Colonoscopy tomorrow - need clarity on what I can drink

I’ve had my first Picolax and it was not as bad as expected.  The leaflet from the hospital is not detailed enough on what I can or cannot drink.   My drinks of choice are Tea white with sugar, orange juice, orange squash, fizzy water, Diet Coke, Wine or Beer.  

Looking at the leaflet I am not clear what is ok and having searched around here I’m still confused so I hope someone can provide some better guidance because I am already bored with orange squash!


  • Hi PeteSid

    We've a number of members on the forum who may be able to help with suggestions for what you can/can't drink whilst taking the Picolax. 

    In the meantime you could give our team of nurses a call on 0808 800 4040 (Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm) who may be able to give you some clarity on the information sheet that you've been given. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator

  • Hi there,

    I haven’t had one, but know people who have and I understand that it’s clear liquids you’re supposed to drink-things like black tea, coffee, apple juice, white grape juice, clear soft drinks. 

    Hope your procedure goes well! x