Hi all!
Having read and commented onna few posts I thought I'd put my own on.
I'm 26 years old, had a baby 5 months ago and had my smear test in March 2019. At the smear the nurse said there was a polyp, and simple procedure to have it removed. Fast forward I had my gyno appt and it's too big a polyp and needs removed during day surgery anesthetic. I am absolutely terrified, even though I've just had a baby this is scaring the life out of me. My smear came back clear and there was no polyp at previous smear or could be seen at any examinations during labour so presume it happened during labour. Had no symptoms of this polyp either so wouldn't have known until my smear test.
Now after doing alot of reading of forums, people mentioning cancer I'm getting really scared about this. I had my period for 7 days, which then stopped and 24 hours later appeared to start again, but is bright red fresh blood now so not sure if my period or this is symptoms of the polyp? I've tried to phone the gyno dept and left a message for a call back.
One terrified girl here :|