Lower abdomen pain and aching pain in bum cheek

Hi everyone my name is Carla I'm 28 and for the past week or so I've had a really bad pain in my lower left abdomen but it's always a really bad aching pain in my bum cheek and the left side of my back . I don't know if I should be worried ? I'm waitingfor a date for a scan .x

  • Hi my name is Mags Im sorry to  read yr symptoms I understand your pain Ive suffered strong pain in my bum cheeks and its very uncomfortable Hope you get your scan asap Good luck x

  • Hi Carla. 

    My name is, Maggi

    Last May I had bowel cancer 2cm tumour removed from lower bowel radiotherapy and chemo. I have an iliostomy awaiting reversal. My op was a success and bowel reconstruction has healed perfectly, and, awaiting op. 

    However this past 3 months, I have had pain firstly in my right lower bum cheek and now in my left. Very painful. I've had xray nothing showing and have been told its piriformus.. A large muscle which sits in front of the sciatica nerve and when inflamed can cause this pain I have been given excercises to do and am attending physio.

    After having cancer any little pain sets alarm bells ringing.. Hope you get relief soon