Cervical ectropion

Last year I got diagnosed with a cervical ectropiom after a urgent 2 week referral.

past 7 weeks I have been on numerous antibiotics for a reacurring Uti that won’t go away. The doctor examined me down there and was really concerned that it was really inflamed and has referred me for another urgent referral to the Gynecologist. Has anyone been in the same situation and been ok? I had a smear test dec 2017 and all came back ok. 

  • Only saw gynaecologist last Thursday so no results yet..maybe up to 4 weeks.didn't want to wait the 2 weeks which is why I went sooner..I was told that it's very common but uncommon for my circumstances as mentioned before.always had smears on time so not sure how long it's been like it.no mention on previous smears.consultant said try not to worry.should be ok.we will see.I had no symptoms at all but I do have a cervix which is hard to reach! Maybe why no bleeding during intercourse!

    can only wait I guess.nervous each time I see the postman tho.x

  • Hi, hope things have improved for you. How are things now since your appointment? Did they find anything 

  • Hi

    ive just read your post and wondered what the outcome was as I am in the same situation and I don't take the pill and I'm not in the young category. Thanks 

  • Thank you for your post. I am so glad I came across this forum and in particular felt reassured when I read in your post that you found bleeding worse in the morning which is the same for me. Have you had any results yet?

    I went to the drs after having irregular bleeding for a while. We'd thought it was my body adjusting the the implant which Id had put in a few months after my little boy was born but as I still had bleeding we presumed it just didn't work well for me and I had it removed. But now I'm on the Evra contraceptive patch and still having bleeding even though I'm not having the week off. Dr examined me and said my cervix was abnormal and that it seemed to be cervical ectropion so has referred me under the 2 week wait system. 

    I'm so afraid, I'm such a worrier anyway and suffer with anxiety at the best of times so the waiting is tough. Initially after the implant removal I just had some spotting visible when I wiped. And then after the drs examination I had some stomach and back pain. Now about 5 days after the drs exam, I'm having heavier bleeding like a period, and still getting the stomach and back pain. The extra bleeding is really really worrying me. I don't know how much bleeding others have had with this condition?

    Really just want this all to be over

  • Hello!

    So I've had a few gynae apts since this post and I've learnt that some things are just a bit unusual and not worth stressing about, so please try not to worry yourself! 

    I've realised that the bleeding seems worse in the morning because it's old blood that's just been there overnight - similar to how your period is also heavier in the morning. 

    it's so easy to worry when doctors say 'your cervix is abnormal' with absolutely no context! Mine did the exact same and sent me into panic mode. The lady doing my colposcopy said unfortunately GP's say things like this all the time and then it comes to the examination and things are absolutely fine!! Cervical ectropion is just your normal cells growing on the outside of your cervix, so good cells wrong place. It's not harmful just annoying. 

    I've had my ectropion cauterised with silver nitrate twice since this post because it seems to keep coming back. My gynae says unfortunately I may just be one of those people who has it perminently. It is quite common for it to be caused by hormonal contraceptives because of the high estrogeon - so this may be why the patch is also giving you bleeding? I remember when I had the implant I bled every day for about 8 months before I got it taken out. 

    I am obviously no medical expert but just because your symptoms sound similar to mine (the pain), have you researched into Endometriosis?  If you have pain and bleeding outside of your period then this is a symptom so it could be worth chatting that through with gynae or a GP? The ectropion doesn't cause any pain, just bleeding. My bleeding varies - sometimes it a bit when I wipe and sometimes it feels like I'm coming on my period. 

    i hope this helps? Honestly please try not to worry, I know it's easier said than done. Also check out Gynae Geek on Instagram, she did a great video on what to expect at your colposcopy. 


  • Thank you so much for your reply.

    Im really hoping that they will treat me with silver nitrate as well to stop the bleeding. So glad to hear that the ectropion was normal for you. It's reassuring to hear that this is most often the case.

    Thank you so much for suggesting gynae geek! I had a look and it's great! Really reassuring and good to know more of what to expect x

  • No problem at all! I'm sure it will be absolutely fine :happy:

    Take some painkillers beforehand as you can feel a bit sore and crampy afterwards, just like period pain. I never found the actual procedure painful, just a bit uncomfortable however it's over in minutes. If possible take the day off work so you can lay on the sofa with a hot water bottle for the rest of the day. Everyone is different, but I wish someone told me that beforehand! 

    if you are feeling anxious, I found that having something to look forward to afterwards helped me. Nothing major, just something nice for dinner or a walk with a coffee.

    Sending all the good vibes x

  • Thank you so much for all your advice, I really appreciate it.

  • Hi! 

    Only came across this form now. I am 26 and have had cervical ectopicon with 6 years which was only diagnosed 2 years ago ( alot of gynaecological referrals). My symptoms were green/yellow discharge which started when I was first sexually active and had started the pill. The discharge changed in consistency and odour. I was treated alot for BV which didn't help and had smears every 6/12 months which showed HPV+ up until last year ! 

    It took going to Australia ( from Ireland) and seeing a male gynaecologist to be diagnosed with ' congenital cervical transformation zone causing persistent cervical ectropion. 

    I was experiencing spotting, post sex bleeding and pain on penetration ( which continues). My smear  has always been clear or unsatisfactory cells aswell as HPV+ until 2021.

    I was treated 3 x times with Silver Nitrate maybe 2-3 month breaks in between which resolved the discharge for 6 months which is the longest I've ever been free from symptoms. 

    Currently I have a bit of the green discharge which came back after my smear and period which followed immediately after my period. 

    I feel sex , stress and menstrual cycle exacerbates the discharge. 

    Currently experiencing vaginismus,  ? Due to all the investigations and association of penetration with exacerbating discharge. 


    Main lifestyle issue is the discharge which can have an odour or be heavy at times and it makes you feel unhygienic and infected which is having a major impact on my relationship at the intimacy level. 


    Any advice? Any other treatment options with silver nitrate should it be used on a regular level? I feel specialists in Ireland haven't a clue and left me 4 years without any answers.