Cervical ectropion

Last year I got diagnosed with a cervical ectropiom after a urgent 2 week referral.

past 7 weeks I have been on numerous antibiotics for a reacurring Uti that won’t go away. The doctor examined me down there and was really concerned that it was really inflamed and has referred me for another urgent referral to the Gynecologist. Has anyone been in the same situation and been ok? I had a smear test dec 2017 and all came back ok. 

  • Hello, 


    I just wanted to share my experience. When I was 25 (now 27) I went for my first smear which came back HPV positive and severe abnormal cells. (I had the HPV vaccine at college which I thought was strange?). I was referred to colposcopy and had the LLETZ procedure there and then as I had CIN3. This was a really scary time for me as it happened after my first ever smear and I had no idea anything was wrong. 6 months later I went back for a check up and it came back saying no HPV and low grade cells which should go away on their own so I would go back to smears every 3 years.
    This was in October 2018 and ever since I have been back to the GP twice with bleeding after sex. When I went back following LLETZ it was painful and she said my cervix bleeds on contact. I worry myself a lot thinking the worst but then I'm sure things can't progress that quickly if I had treatment? If anyone has any advice I'd really appreciate it as I don't have anyone to talk to about this

    thank you x 

  • Hi

    im now 36, but my first smear came back as CIN 3 which I had treatment for, so bit scary isn't it. I had treatment like you too. But had clear smears ever since.

    from what I've been told by doctors, generally abnormal changes and the progression of cancer is very slow. Which is why they are very good at catching abnormal cells, before they progress, from scheduled smears. 
    But I'd def get checked out if you're bleeding. My smears are all up to date and normal but I've been having bleeding and gp saw some "abnormalities" on my cervix, so waiting to see gynaecologist. So all but scary at the min and doing my best to keep my mind busy as my anxiety is through the roof.


    As bleeding can be a sign of something more sinister, so always best to get checked out. But there are lots of things which cause sensitive cervix and bleeding. I bled a lot when I was examined too, so I think got peace of mind maybe ask the doctor to examine you. But I personally think it's very unlikely to be anything like cancer.  X

  • Hey, 


    It's encouraging to know that yours have been clear ever since your treatment, but yes it is definitely scary especially when there have been no symptoms. My routine smear isn't until next year so I think I will ask to be examined before then. 
    I can relate to the anxiety over it, it really consumes me sometimes but you definitely are doing the right thing by keeping on top of appointments and not ignoring it. It is reassuring to know we are not alone in the situation,  I hope everything works out fine at the gynaecologist xx 

  • Hi, I was told at the GP a week ago I had this as well as a potential cyst. I have received an appointment with a gynaecologist for 2 weeks time. It's has me worried in all honesty as I always expect the worst. Do any of you have the coil as well. I'm wondering if they are going to tell me that it need to be removed and find an alternative which is another thing I'm dreading. 

  • Hi, really glad I found this post!

    I have been suffering from discharge on and off for the past 4 months. Been prescribed antibiotics twice as initially thought it was BV but still didn't go away. So was referred to a gynaecologist who did swabs for all you can think of but came back all clear. Except that I have a slight ectropion.

    I had changed to copper coil from depo back in March and this was the only other link I could think of. She suggested I removed the coil as the threads could actually be the cause of the discharge / irritation.

    I have a follow up appointment in September to check progress on the ectropion. In the meantime I'm still getting the discharge but fingers crossed this gets resolved soon.

  • Hi everyone am so pleased I found this thread.


    I went to my GP Monday and she examined me as I have been suffering with prolapse since having my little guy 18 months ago.


    She said there is a lesion on my cervix which she thinks is Ectropion cervix but at the same time referred me through the cancer pathway for an urgent referral. The paperwork that came through for the appointment said it is because I have symptoms which may be cancer!!


    My appointment is Thursday but I am all over the place with worry now and wondering why the urgent referral.


    Do you think the doc would have said if she had significant concerns it is cancer.


    I am feeling all sorts of pains and twinges now and have convinced myself I have cervical cancer. Has anyone had a similar experience?


    I am going out of my mind with worry, I can't eat much, sleep, my mind just keeps drifting off and I keep googling!!


    Any advice would be much appreciated.



  • Hi I am in the same boat. I've had a urgent colposcopy done on Monday gone and a cervical ectopium was found he's taking biopsy and now waiting for results going crazy googling as I to have suffered irregular bleeding and pain in the middle of the month. Did you get to find out what was going on with you? X

  • Hey I'm joining this thread a bit late! I'm 24 and have had cervical ectropion on and off for 3 years. My GP first diagnosed it by an internal examination saying I had 'abnormal cells' which as you can imagine sent a lot of worry! I had a colposcopy and the gynae was SO lovely. There was nothing on my cervix and it seemed absolutely fine. I think it's really important to note that cervical ectropion is nothing to do with cancer. The cells that grow on the inside of your cervix just move and grow on the outside. Think of it as they are normal cells just in the wrong place! 

    I had the copper coil fitted last year and my bleeding inbetween periods got worse. During/after sex, for no reason at all, worse in the morning and evening. I had a colposcopy at the gynae again and my cervix looked completely different to last time it freaked me out. There was a large ectropion and the coil strings seemed to be irritating it. She took a biopsy (awaiting results) and treated it with silver nitrate.

    I just wondered had anyone else had this treatment and how long did they leave it before having sex again? They told me 7 days but it seems a bit too soon? A lot of websites say wait 4 weeks. The bleeding has stopped apart from a small amount in the evening. 

    if you have cervical ectropion please do not worry and think the worst! xx

  • Hi all

    I recently went to doctors for my regular smear.all clear but ectropic cervix discovered.unusual for me because I am not on pill and I'm not post menopausal.had to wait for referral so went private to stop the wait and the stress.had two biopsy's and I'm now awaiting results.trying not to worry as it is what it is.it is in process now which is the main thing.my comfort is that these cells are apparently slow growing if anything to worry about.im fine in the day but have a bit of panic at night.still and dark I guess.audio books have been great.will let you all know when results come back.next couple of weeks hopefully x

  • Hi I went to the doctors on Thursday where I had the same as you found. She said they are very common and harmless. I bled when she took my smear which has never happened before. All smears in the past have been normal although I was late on having this one done by over a year( which does scare me) she also did an internal and said my cervix felt quite bulky.she is referring me via the two week referral to Gynaecology. So bloody scared but hoping it's just the erosion and nothing else. Have you had your results back yet? What did they say to you about yours at your app? Xx