Cervical ectropion

Last year I got diagnosed with a cervical ectropiom after a urgent 2 week referral.

past 7 weeks I have been on numerous antibiotics for a reacurring Uti that won’t go away. The doctor examined me down there and was really concerned that it was really inflamed and has referred me for another urgent referral to the Gynecologist. Has anyone been in the same situation and been ok? I had a smear test dec 2017 and all came back ok. 

  • Hello Caseyleabs, 

    A warm welcome to Cancer Chat. I can imagine it is a really stressful time for you as you are waiting to find out more. I hope you won't have to wait too long for your appointment. 

    I hope that you will meet other ladies on the forum who have been in the same situation and been diagnosed with a cervical ectropion. I remember welcoming [@Munchkin28]‍ a few months ago on this thread - she too had similar concerns and had been told that she had a cervical ectropion. Like you she was referred to see the gynaecologist so I hope she will be along to share her experience with you and to tell you more about what to expect from your appointment. 

    I hope you will hear from others here too who have bene in a similar position and that they will come and share their story. 

    Wishing you the best of luck for your gynaecology appointment, 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi Casey,

    as Lucie says I have cervical ectropian and was referred to gynae earlier this year.

    My smears are up to date and came back normal. I saw the gynae and by the time I got there my cervix has calmed down. I was told mine was likely to be a combo of hormones and my coil strings irritating the area. They recommended I changed to a hormonal coil rather than a copper one which I have done. 


    I hope your appointment goes well and hopefully it will

    be the same sort of outcome as mine. 

  • Hi Casey,

    How did you get on?

    On and off I was experiencing vaginal bleeding for months and I kept making up excuses around it. I.e maybe the angle of sex? or at times I would think maybe it was because I was due on my period or just come off?

    Then it carried on and I couldn't make any excuses up for it. I went to see a GP and she diagnosed me with cervical ectropion. She asked me if my period were regular and noticed I had my cervical screening 12 months prior which come back ok. 2 days after seeing her I have been bleeding like a period which is not due for another 10 days and I have found it very stressful. I have been referred to a gynecologist too. Were your symptoms severe or is there anyone else on here that has experienced the same sort of thing?

    Many thanks.

  • Hi Casey, 

    I'm new to this site, but wanted to reply directly to you. 

    i was told I had cervical ectropion just over 2 years ago, not nice and pretty embarrassing bleeding after sex every time :-( but also that of BV made the bleeding worse. I finally had enough of asking for repeat prescriptions of anti biotics ( for bv) as that's what I thought was making the bleeding worse. 
    I returned to the doctors this Monday had swabs and was referred, with 24 hours I had an app from the hospital to attended for full coloscopy.  
    Yesterday they took 4 biopsy's, 3 from my cervix and one aspiration one from the womb. Now I'm worried as the doctor could see visible viral changes and showed them to me on the screen. 
    I wish two years ago that I went back when the bleeding didn't stop, 

    Has anyone else had 4 biopsy's taken in one go, I'm worried as last few months I've been feeling out of sorts. Tired, lower back ache but put it down to Hugh energetic job and family life. 
    whag spooked me was the doctor ask if my partner was supportive? 
    is this a normal question to ask before diagnosis? I've 2 weeks to wait for results and struggling already. 

    are you hoping to have your cervix froze? Xx

  • Hi, I too have really bad cervical ectropion,  I'm having it burnt off soon. Dont worry about it , I had an urgent referral too. Cervical ectropion is not cancer and isnt associated with cancer at all. 

    Hope your okay 

  • Hello, 

    ive been worrying myself sick due to irregular bleeding for no reason at all. I went to the gp who said it was due to cervical ectropion. I also had a smear. My gp said I should not worry as she is not worried but since having my smear on Tuesday I seem to be bleeding more each day. Just a question does anyone bleed for no reason? Not because of intercourse or smear? It also seems to be worse in a morning. 

    thanks xx

  • I have been told I have cervical ectropian too -that was about two years ago now. I had a smear test a couple of months ago and bled a lot during and after. Smear has always come back fine. Mine also seems worse in morning- after waking up. It's weird situation- there's no pain but obviously it's not the most pleasant. It happens all the time now- there's no reason. I don't want to go to have any treatment because I find smear tests horrendous and can only think any treatments would be worse. Also wonder whether it would actually work anyway. Has anyone had treatment and did it work? 

  • Hi girls its late reply but iam on the same boat can someone tell me how was the result of this how you all are now i waiting for my appointment worrying so much

  • Hi All,

    I too have cervical entropion and been back to the doctors today as been suffering for years and been back and forth to hospital to have the cells burnt off which last roughly 6-9 months and then I'm back to the bleeding again. The doctor advised me that the contraception I am on may not be helping due to the hormones so they are now writing back to the gynaecologist to see what there thoughts are on it.

    i know all your frustrations with this as I feel so fed up and frustrated all the time with it. 

  • Hi I was just wondering how you got on with your urgent referral please. In just waiting for my app and so worried that I've got cancer.