Blood test queries. Ca125/full blood count


I hope I’m posting this in the correct place now (I can’t seem to delete my previous posts.)

I had bloods taken today. A full blood count, c protein, urea and electrolytes and lft. I wondered if a full blood count includes ca125?

In short, I’ve had a tender spot just below my right rib, towards my side, for almost 2 months. When I first had the pain, it was pretty bad and has gotten better since, although still there! A couple of weeks ago I had a change in bowel habits - firstly constipation and then 3/4 days later, loose bowels once or twice daily - still ongoing.  

I reluctantly went to the dr yesterday and she had a feel about of my tummy and the tender area. She seemed unconcerned, but has ordered an ultrasound and bloods “to put my mind at rest”. I was initially put at ease, but obviously the panic sets back in quite quickly.

Today I feel my left side, in the same spot as the right, is uncomfortable and twingy. I also have funny twinges in my pelvic area. Not pain as such. I have a cough at the moment and I feel it twinge sometimes when I cough. 

I’m aware I sound a bit of an anxious mess and everyone around me thinks I’m worrying unnecessarily, but I’m not one to frequent the drs surgery lots (luckily). I do (annoyingly) get a bit obsessed with Dr Google though, which may be evident. 

So, I was just wondering if the tests I have is likely to show cancer, or if the ca125 test that shows ovarian cancer, is a separate blood test altogether? 

I didn’t mention my concern over ovarian cancer to my dr as it’s only really been today I’ve felt it possible. Would it be something she’d feel for/suspect perhaps?

I’d be really grateful for any replies x

  • Hello Loulou23

    I'm sorry to hear that you're struggling with anxiety about your health at the moment. 

    The CA125 blood test is a separate test to the ones that you mention your Dr ordered last week. 

    CA125 is not a completely reliable test for ovarian cancer. This is because some other conditions of the womb and ovaries also produce CA125, such as endometriosis, fibroids, pelvic inflammatory disease and pregnancy.

    As your Dr has taken blood tests and ordered an ultrasound it would seem a good idea to wait for those results to come back and if you still have concerns then mention this to your GP. 

    Some people worry more than others about their health and this is called health anxiety. The NHS Moodzone at this link has some helpful tips to manage some of these thoughts and feelings. The GP also may be able to offer you some support in this area too so do share this worry with them when you see them.

    I hope that you don't have to wait too long for your test results. 

    Best wishes,
    Cancer Chat moderator

  • Hi,

    Thank you for the information. 

    My blood results came back normal, which was a huge relief. I had a wait for my ultrasound but went this last weekend. The sonographer seemed to be pretty thorough. I know she checked my liver and gallbladder as she kept me informed throughout the scan. I spoke to her about my ongoing bowel problems (2 months of either loose motions or a feeling of constipation) and told her about the pains I’ve been experiencing in my groin. She then checked my ovaries and said everything was completely normal. 

    So, with normal blood results and a normal scan I felt massively relieved. However, my symptoms still continue. 

    When I press near my rib/liver I feel something kind of pop in. If I breath in, I can pop it out again. It doesn’t hurt but it’s not too far away from where I have the tender spot. I can feel it when I’m driving too. It’s almost like something is clonking under my rib. I can’t feel anything with my fingers, just the sensation of it inside. 

    My bowels are either loose (but not urgent) or thin.  I know this can also be a sign of ibs and I should not worry as much as I am, but it’s impossible. I recently had to take 4 days off work because I had back pain that made it difficult to walk too. That’s better now.

    I’ve got an appointment to see my doctor again in a week and I will mention all my ongoing symptoms and hopefully get to the bottom of things. Things definitely aren’t right.

    I’m wondering, with normal blood results and a normal scan, can we rule out colorectal cancer? Would there be some pointers on the bloods I’ve had? And would the ultrasound have looked at my intestines (specifically hepatic flexure) as standard for an abdominal ultrasound?

    I’ve not lost weight or my appetite and I’m no more tired than usual. Any advice or replies from anyone with similar symptoms would be great. X

  • hi

    i know this was a few years ago but i stumbled across your post and i am exactly the same except its my left side, did you ever find out what it was or did it improve thank you :)