How long do ultrasound results take?

Hi all, 

Im new to the site and just wondered how long an ultrasound test result takes.

I went to the GP on Tuesday as i have severe bloating to the point i look very pregnant and indigestion with stomach ache.. i pressumed i would be told it could be IBS or something.. she then asked me other questions to which i replied:

Yes i have problems weeing, back ache and constipation. I had to go to get bloods done and on Wednesday i got phone call from the hospital to say i needed to go on Saturday for a scan..

Because everythings been done so quickly i forgot to ask how long to wait for results..

Thank you

  • Also the ultrasound may have not shown it as my bladder has not been filling up properly so could have effected the scan so don't worry if your scan actually appears clear it most likely is they struggled with mine, in my opinion maybe they should have had me back to re do it instead of just assuming it was normal xxx

  • Hey! Im 22 and just had an operation for ovarian cysts in the october thats just been. Last year i had to wait a few months for an ultrasound scan because i had irregular and heavy periods, bloating that made me look pregnant, nausea, problems with my stool etc. Once i got my ultrasound scan, i got the results within a few days, they then urgently sent me for a ct scan as my cysts were too big to see in ultrasound(one was 25cm, two was 15cm and 3 was 5cm), i got the ct within 2 weeks, during that time i got my vloods checked for cancer(which thankfully came back okay), after that i got my surgery around a month and a half later. The process was pretty straight forward and if you have any worries, the doctor can help you along the way. I hope this helps a little with the process for you. Im sure it wont be the worse for you and you'll get sorted soon now that things are easing with covid. I wish you the best :happy: :heart: 

  • Realise this is an old thread but feeling a little anxious. 
    36 years old, stomach massively distended (look about 7 months pregnant), stomach, back, groin and leg pain, losing weight (though this could be a product of nausea), slightly raised CA-125, and tiredness. 

    Had ultrasound Thursday, was told results would be with my GP Friday morning but nothing so far. Saw technician measuring a big black hole on right ovary but didn't like to ask as she was busy concentrating and not very approachable. 

    Can I ask GP to chase? Really affecting quality of life - not a lot of clothes I can fit in to, having to WFH constantly, struggling to even go on nice walks with the kids at the weekends ... 

  • Hi,

    My ultrasound results took 1 week to get from the hospital to my GP. They wouldn't tell me anything at my hospital appointment, gp rang to say they found an ovarian cyst which they want to scan again in a few weeks to monitor it then decide what to do. I have pevic, back, hip pain.

  • Hi there 

    I had an ultrasound nearly week and half ago as I have been having pain in my right lower part of my stomach also bloating also had my bloods done week before the ultrasound rang up docs for them and receptionist said they were all clear but rang this week on Tuesday for ultrasound results she said that they are on provisional and ring back at end of the week so rang on Friday and the receptionist said that there has been 2 results back but she cannot tell me anything until doctor speaks to gyno and I'm maybe needing to go for an mri on my liver so I asked when this would be happening she said I will find out in due course I mean I'm really worried now why would she say that but not tell me the results and if it was urgent I would have known by now right?? Hope all you ladies are ok sending love and light,