Waiting lymph node biopsy results

Two days after my sons 7th Birthday I had my 2 week urgent appointment. I saw the consultant who couldn’t feel anything, I felt like a idiot for worrying everyone but got sent for a mammogram and then ultrasound. The radiologist found two enlarged lymph nodes and took five biopsy’s. One has been sent for lymphoma screen the others for I’m assuming cytology. I’ve been referred for urgent CT chest/abdomen and pelvis and I’m going back again on Thursday for results. The waiting is horrendous. It’s half term I’m struggling with looking after my son, keeping busy and coping with a potential diagnosis. Worst of all I’m a nurse, I’m already four steps ahead in my head. We’ve had a lot of loss in the last 8 months several to cancer which is making my anxiety worse. 6 days to go...

Edit 6/06/19

today it was confirmed I have breast cancer. I’m so relieved after all the waiting, I can actually do something now. I’m ready for a fight x

  • Thank you for the reply,

    I hope your mum got a positive outcome?

    Work know what’s going on but the job makes you see what might happen. Had a young terminal patient come in on my last shifts. It was the family they were so distraught. I had to go and have a cry in my office.

    I am taking a sick day for my results on Thursday and my immediate boss let me know if I had three episodes of sickness in 6 months I would be performance managed! She asked Did I really need a sick day for a clinic appointment when I might need it for treatment! That didn’t help my stress levels at all.

    my husband is going along the line that we’ll go on Thursday and be told it’s all fine and life can continue as normal. It will be huge shock to him if not.

    I have my suspicions, the radiologist told me exactly what she thought and what she was looking for. She showed me some professional curtesy, I cannot fault her.

    anyway thanks for reaching out, it meant a lot xx


  • Hi, 

    Just wanted to pop by and say i hope the results are good when you get them. I am a nurse also (used to work in critical care) and i think knowing too much can be our downfall at times and make anxiety worse as we know the worst that can happen. I am the same at the moment waiting for results of ct scan and blood tests as they are hoping to rule out lymphoma for me. Its a horrible situation to be in. Sending positive vibes to us all xx 

  • Hi

    thanks for the reply.

    how funny I’m an ex critical care nurse as well!

    I’ve received a letter this morning asking me to see a Dr to discuss some results. Can’t get an appointment till Tuesday so more waiting.

    wishing you the very best



  • Hi 

    I know what you are going through because I am in a similar position, know your not alone! Just wanted to reassure you about lymphoma, I have had 2 friends that had stage 4 lymphoma and they are totally fine now! One has gone on to have a baby and the other is trying. It’s very treatable. Be wary of Dr Google because you will find whatever you are looking for. Let us know how you get on x


  • Thanks for replying,

    most of the time I’m fine then I’ll get a wave of anxiety and palpitations. My son asked me what my biggest fear was and I nearly lost it. Little does he know.

    I am speaking to the GP on Tuesday i’m assuming about the chest X-ray she ordered a couple of weeks ago. Then my consultant appointment is due on Thursday it seems a very long time till Thursday.  

    Let me know how your getting on xx



  • I just wondered how you are getting on now. I've just had 3 biopsies and 2 lymph node biopsies done.

  • Hi

    I am now 17 months post diagnosis.

    my biopsies came back with aggressive hormone positive stage 3 breast cancer in 5/15 lymph nodes. Surprised everyone!

    I then had lots of cts & MRIs to check for spread which came back negative and they  never found my Primary. My cancer is called Occult Breast Cancer as I have no tumour. Apparently it's pretty rare and most people find it after it's spread. I'm a bit of an anomaly as it's unusual to get an early diagnosis.

    My treatment is classed as curative. So after surgery I had 6 rounds of chemo, 15 rounds of radiotherapy, have zoladex implants every 28 days, had zometa infusions and now have medications for 10yrs. I also developed Lymphoedema in my arm.

    I returned to work in June last year 13 months after diagnosis delayed due to COVID and working on the front line. Physically I'm ok work 12hr shifts, walk miles, swim twice a week and have lost nearly 5st.

    Mentally it's been tougher the lockdowns after isolating the previous year have taken there toll. I'm not the same person I was. 
    Don't get me wrong I'm very lucky and grateful to be here, people I know didn't make it as far as me but it's a Marathon.

    I wish you all the best with your results and treatment x