Thyroid Biopsy

I recently went to see my GP regarding a lump in my neck and was referred urgently to hospital. She explained that all lumps are considered ‘urgent’ and to try not to worry. 

Cut a long story short I decided to go privately as I’m due to be moving down south very soon and need this  dealt with ASAP! I’m also a worrier... I haven’t long lost my father to cancer and so you can imagine where my head is at. Anyway... I saw a consultant, on the whole he seemed fairly positive and said that it was moveable which is a good sign, and when I was asked to swallow he couldn’t feel any obstruction. I wasn’t told the exact size of the lump but it was likened to the size of a strawberry (no idea what size strawberry!) He explained that he would like to investigate further and so sent me off to book in for an ultrasound. Arrived at that department to be told the man who performs the biopsy with ultrasound was away for 2 weeks. So today, i attended a different hospital and had the procedure. 


I was told that at the moment it’s what can be described as ‘Indeterminate’ ... I gather this means to be it could be something sinister/May not be. I’m praying it’s the latter. She didn’t seem hugely concerned and from what I gathered it didn’t scream the C word. She also explained that she wouldn’t be surprised if another biopsy was required. 


All in all... I’m nervous. Trying to think positively but can’t help worrying. With it being bank holiday I think there might be a delay with getting results. I would just like to hear from anybody who has experienced similar. I’m trying to steer clear of google because I end up scaring myself to death! I came out feeling fairly positive but now... I’m thinking with an ‘indeterminate’ looking ultrasound there’s a chance it could be something. The whole of my neck was checked and as far as I know clear... it’s just a single nodule on my thyroid... she explained they often appear as clusters but mine didn’t. 


i’m rambling now. I’m sorry! Any advice?


k x 



  • Hi Kate530677,

    It's natural to worry as you go through the testing process, but there isn't much you can do other than wait for your results and see whether you need further tests. Only the doctor can diagnose you and worring about it doesn't change that. What you can do to is try and put your worries out of your mind and, as you say, there may well be a delay due to the bank holiday. Try to keep busy and there are also some tips here to cope with your nerves while waiting.

    I hope this helps,

    Moderator Anastasia