Internal scan

Good morning .

I've not been feeling 100% since Christmas been having right side pain over the ovary area anyway I never go to the doctor's but about 6 weeks ago I got really severe pain on the right side so maybe a doctor's appointment for 2 weeks later.

got to ordered some blood test referred me for ultrasound internal and out had my ultrasound yesterday and the ladies in their way she said she would start outside and if she felt she had to do internal she would after about 5 minutes I had to her internal why the procedure was taking place the lady asked if my periods have been irregular which they have a bit even longer or shorter then they were normally but this is been going on since about Christmas where originally went to the doctor's he asked if had no symptoms I said I felt sick if I eat or I don't lower back pain the right side pain about two weeks ago started on the left side but not as painful I have this pain everyday sometimes it's really painful sometimes like a dull ache after my scan I asked me to you for loved ok which she said you need to call the doctor and make an appointment for early next week which alarms me a bit as on my original letter it says 14 days before the doctor will get the results has anyone else been in this position if so I would love to hear some advice as I'm worrying myself silly.k