Loss of voice for over a month

Hi everyone

I'm curious as to the percentages of females that have larynx/throat cancer ? And ages if possible please

I lost my voice over a month ago (minimal speech not even hoarseness)with a persistent cough for months. I have had a lump in my throat and lost weight due to the swelling in my neck. I also have been coughing blood . I don't have a chest infection or pneumonia though and antibiotics did nothing. I also do not have laryngitis which I assumed it could be.

I went to my doctor on Tuesday and was told to go for an xray the next day which I did. I then recieved a phone call 3 hours after explaining I have had an emergency appointment booked for this Saturday with Ent and a endoscopy. 

My doctor did say they would be looking for anything "sinister" . I was shocked at how quickly they rang after xray but said they couldn't explain anything till I saw consultant.

Obviously I'm worried I'm only human but I was looking at the percentages of young females with throat cancer and it doesn't appear to be huge. So I'm hoping it could be thyroid although my bloods were ok in that department.

I look at things logically so I don't get worried.

Also I'm scared to have the endoscopy has anyone else done this not under sedation? 

How long till results were given ?

Did a biopsy get done at the same time of endoscopy?

Thanks in advance for reading and replying. It's very appreciated. 

  • Hi Angela . My husband ( sorry not a lady ) has cancer of the Larynx . He like you lost his voice for 8 weeks that was his only symptom . Over on the boards Radiotherapy for throat cancer there are a couple of really jlovely  ladies who ave gone through it . My husband was told time after time he had laryngitis fed up with this he went for a private ENT. Honestly that part is fine they numb your throat and put a tiny camera down your nose and into your throat. The specialist saw something on his left voice box  and booked him in the next week for a biopsy, I think he knew when he did the surgery that this wasn’t just a polyp. A week later he had the phone call telling him it was for sure cancer ... everything was then handed over to the NHS and he started treatment within two weeks . His cancer was caught really early thanks to his lost voice these cancers usually are as there is such prominent symptoms . Obviously yours may well not be cancer .... I really hope not . It’s not a common place to have cancer at all Angela . 

    BUT these cancers have an excellent cure rate. Sounds like you are going to whizz through all the scans etc, etc so that at least is good news. Keep in touch and if you need us we are over on the radiotherapy for throat cancer board... you will find loads of friends there with lots of help and advice & as I said Hazel is fabulous she really helps out and also has a blog of her cancer journey. Crossing everything for you . 

    Love Ginny x PS keep of Google out of date and will scare you to death. X x

  • Hello,

    I am 38 and had cancer of my tonsil, currently 11 weeks out of radiotherapy.  I have had an endoscopy, quite a few now, I found them uncomfortable but not sore, but we are all different I guess.  I had a seperate appointment for an ultrasound and biopsy, I never got an actual result from these sadly, all of my tests came back as inconclusive, although they were all on the ball and I remember getting the results quite quickly.  I had 1 lump that appeared under my jawline and no other symptoms or pain.  Two operations and 6 weeks of radiotherapy later, I'm here to tell the tale.

    I'm not sure if my response is of any help to you, but I wish you well, good luck x

  • Hey Ginpo 

    Thank you for your response.

    I'm sorry to hear of your husbands cancer and I hope he is doing well. It seems I'm going down the same route as himself at the moment.

    I'm very hopeful mine isn't cancer . But obviously I cant unrule it at the moment.  I had the same with dr saying laryngitis at the beginning now he has out ruled it which is so frustrating as you know your own body and wish tests had been done earlier.

    I'm pleased I had an xray as I proberly wouldn't off even been seen so quick so I'm hopeful to get to the bottom off it. By any chance does your husband have his voice back as I'm finding that part so difficult. 

    You know you can talk but just cant get it out.

    Woken up this morning to no voice again every day I wake up hoping it will come back ! .

    Ent and endoscopy is on Saturday so will keep everyone updated. 

    Thank you so much for your response and I wish your husband all the best and hope he feels better soon. 


  • Hey ladydi2901

    Sorry to hear of your cancer and I hope you are doing well.

    Thank you for telling me of the endoscopy I don't know why I fear this part the most. Think it's new territory for me and have been told some scary stories which doesn't help.

    How quickly was you diagnosed from your first endoscopy? If you don't mind me asking. 

    I don't have tonsils and know this is definitely in my voice box what ever it is.

    I have an endoscopy on this Saturday so fingers crossed I get results . Although unsure if they are told on the same day .

    Will keep you all updated and thank you so much for your response. Honestly so appreciated xxx

  • Hello :)

    I am doing well, thank you, on the slow road to recovery and starting to see some light at the end of the tunnel.  My first endoscopy would have been in June some time, then I had an ultrasound with biopsy, CT scan and pet scan, this all happened quite quickly for me, I never really got an official result, because I had constant appointments I was just informed by my consultant. I had an operation to remove the lump on 25th August and was told I had cancer on 1st September.  I wouldn't say that you get an actual result from the endoscopy, it's more like they take a look and decide if it needs further investigation or not. 

    All I can say is try to relax during the endoscopy and try not to let other peoples horror stories make it worse for you.  It's honestly not too bad at all. 

    I hope it goes well for you and it would be good to hear how you got on, so please let us know.

    Take care and good luck x

  • Just to let everyone know I have just had my endoscopy and I am now booked in for a microlarynscopy as it appears I have 2 very large lesions on my vocal cords. 

    Has anyone had a microlarynscopy ?

    The consultant isn't happy with the size of them so they will be removed and sent of for biopsy. 

    I will need speech therapy after due to the size of them he thinks I will struggle with talking... it's already a struggle lol.

    He has discussed the possibility of it being vocal cord cancer but that he wont know anything else until after my surgery.

    Again I have high hopes they will be benign.

    Will again keep everyone updated with what's going on.

    Hope your all well xx

  • Hi,

    Thanks for the update, I was thinking of you.  Glad they are working fast to get to the bottom of it and seriously hope it's the good news you are hoping for.  Your positive attitude is brilliant, keep it up.  Good luck with the microlarynscopy, I haven't even heard of that, so couldn't begin to imagine whatbit involves or what it feels like.  Good luck and I wish you well x

  • Hi Ladydi2901

    I'm sorry to hear of your husbands cancer. I have had 2 mouth cancers, the last one two plus years ago. My family knows what I am saying (most of my tongue has been removed) but for others I use an app you can access on your phone and tablet. The app is TTS which stands for text to speech.  Google TTS or go to play store and tap in TTS. You will get a free app where you type in what you want to say. You have the option of converting that to speech, which can be a bit tinny and difficult to follow as it is an electronic voice. I usually just show the screen to the shop assistant or friend or whoever I want to talk to. I often type in just a short message to let the person know why I  am showing them a screen. Some people think they have to type in an an answer. Reactions can vary. Most people are more than helpful, especially the younger generation.  I think older people get a bit confused and feel 'put on the spot'.   So I  would type in something like this :

    Hi, I have had surgery to my mouth and am not able to use my voice at the moment. My hearing and everything else is perfect. 

    Then type what you want to say. Some people might think you have a hearing or other difficulty.  Of course, if he is just talking to family he won't need that.

    It might be a good idea to download the app around now so you have plenty of time to play around with it before he needs to use it.

    Just be prepared to have plenty of patience with yourself and him. Completely irrationally I can get frustrated and annoyed with people not understanding what I  want or mean. Its ridiculous I know, but it happens. 

    Download and off you go. I hope everything goes well for you all.

  • Hi.. I was just wondering what private doctors you used because I have the same symptoms

  • What are the symptons please of cancer of the throat or larynx or voice box

    i have weight loss hoarsness no appetite