4 months after urgent referral still waiting on a diagnosis


I was on a 2 week urgent referral for bowel issues late last year, which resulted in a CT scan Abdomen, MRI Spine and MRI with Contrast Spine. The radiologist picked up something incidental on the CT scan in my spine so over the next month or so had 2 MRI's.

I finally had my consultation with General Surgery yesterday to go through scans, who basically didn't have clue. He only read through my notes whilst I was there, firstly going through my bowel investigation then moving on to the MRI.

"Oh, I see you had Breast cancer, oh thats strange in a young man. hmm, its looks like theres a lesion on your spine. Unfortunately, we dont specialise in that sort of thing, so I'm discharging you from our department and referring you to Neurosurgery"

That was it. They've been sitting on the fact I've some kind of bone lesion for nearly 4 months, had no intention of investigating it properly, and now just have to hope it now gets investigated properly when I'm referred.

I'm not overly optimistic about what this lesion is as i've been really suffering with back pain for months. I just presumed everything was ok, as I'd had a phone call previously with the consultant who said he doesn't think its a problem. Also I nagged the consultants secretary who said it is nothing to worry about as I would have been called in sooner if it was anything serious.

I just don't understand why they didn't refer me 3 months ago. It seems a very long time to be under investigation when theres the potential cancer has spread to my spine. I'm at a bit of a loss what to do. how long do I wait for a referral? I didn't see him put urgent in the notes so presume it won't be the quick 2 week one. Do I complain? see my GP?

My head is all over the place with worry, frustration etc and it feels like there nothing much I can do about it.

Sorry, rant over, I just felt like I need to vent/get it out.


  • Hi its good to rant now and again remember wear all in the same boat more or less we all think they should be doing something. I think you want to chase up everyone you can think of, doctor, specialist, and anyone else you can think of. I was 41/2 months from finding C to start of treatment its a long time to think about it. Hope you get sorted soon.
