Hi there everyone
Just like to ask a few questions see if anyone had same type of symptoms
Starting about7 weeks ago got a shooting pain in testicle left side.later that evening checked after bath to find swollen epididmas and feels like lump at bottom,testicle cant tell if on epididymis or testis dr couldnt feel properly and give me doxycycline took those pain went right down but he booked me in for ultrasound now my youngest son smashed arm had big operation anesthetic very scary. Day after started getting diarrhoea constipation what feels like im geting stomach pains lower left side bloating then last week left foot was swelling under sock got a tremor in lower abdomen and shakey hand and now under arms hurting cant feel lumps other than testicle
Sorry for long list but im asking is can this many things can go wrong in this space of time im turning into a anxious mess stoped smoking 2 weeks ago aswell dr other thanbooking ultrasound has fobbed me off with ppi for acid give me imodium with i want take and cannot seem to get appointment to see him
I got Us on thursday is it worth bringing this up or will it be another massive wait thx