Lump growing before menstrual cycle breast

Hi everyone,

I had an ultrasound scan a couple of weeks ago and was told that the lump in my breast was just fatty tissue and to just ignore it... now I’m pretty sure they know what they’re doing as their professionals but since I saw them the lump has doubled in size, going from hardly noticeable on examination to visible to the blades eye! Obviously this puts a bit of worry in my mind but I’m also due on my period in 1 week so was just wondering if this could be the thing causing the growth? I just find it strange I never noticed it before and now it’s just growing so quickly... 

i will make a gp appointment on Monday but just wanting some advice over the weekend.


thank you in advance



  • Hi KirstyB15,

    Just wanted to stop by and say hello. There isn't a lot of advice to give because your GP is still in the process of working out what the lump is. They would want to know how it has developed since the last time they saw you so make sure you tell them all your concerns. Try not to worry and I hope the appointment goes ok.

    Moderator Anastasia