Enlarged and Hard Upper Cervical Lymph Nodes

Hello everyone,

I am a 24 year old male. I feel healthy tho I haven't treated my body as a temple these last two years ( student life).

About two months ago I was feeling around my jaw when I felt a hard lump, this was underneath my ear behind my upper jaw. i could feel that it was hard, immovable and quite large. I felt around some more and found another enlarged lymph node. I made an appointment to see my gp as soon as he could. I had an ultrasound, which came back as reactive, but quite large, .7 x 2.5 cm and .8 x 2.5 cm. my parotid gland also showed no signs, had borders and no increased bloodflow. I had a cbc and ers blood test a week later, came back normal. 

Are ultrasounds conclusive? would the US have seen a tumor, either in the parotid gland or cancer in the lymphnodes? the cbc and ers were reassuring.

However, it has now been six weeks, the lymphnodes are still hard and palpable. I want to get a biopsy done. it does not seem like the lymphnodes have gone down in size.

Some important info - last year my wisdom tooth on the side of the enlarged lymphnodes became infected numerous times, I had it pulled last september. Could they have remained hard after multiple infections, since september? is that plausible. 

Should I get an FNA biopsy done? I'm quite worried..

  • Hello mx12, 

    Thank you for posting.  I can appreciate that it must be worrying for you if you feel that the problems are persisting and the lymph nodes haven't gone down in size.  Unfortunately, we cannot help you get a diagnosis. Only a doctor can diagnose you.  If you are unhappy with the way you are being looked after by your current doctor you may want to consider getting a second opinion and ask whether you should be getting an FNA biopsy done.

    You can find out more about this here.  

    I hope you find the reassurance you need. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator