Hello everyone,
I am a 24 year old male. I feel healthy tho I haven't treated my body as a temple these last two years ( student life).
About two months ago I was feeling around my jaw when I felt a hard lump, this was underneath my ear behind my upper jaw. i could feel that it was hard, immovable and quite large. I felt around some more and found another enlarged lymph node. I made an appointment to see my gp as soon as he could. I had an ultrasound, which came back as reactive, but quite large, .7 x 2.5 cm and .8 x 2.5 cm. my parotid gland also showed no signs, had borders and no increased bloodflow. I had a cbc and ers blood test a week later, came back normal.
Are ultrasounds conclusive? would the US have seen a tumor, either in the parotid gland or cancer in the lymphnodes? the cbc and ers were reassuring.
However, it has now been six weeks, the lymphnodes are still hard and palpable. I want to get a biopsy done. it does not seem like the lymphnodes have gone down in size.
Some important info - last year my wisdom tooth on the side of the enlarged lymphnodes became infected numerous times, I had it pulled last september. Could they have remained hard after multiple infections, since september? is that plausible.
Should I get an FNA biopsy done? I'm quite worried..