Core biopsy results

Hi, I’m going out of my mind with worry waiting on my results for a core biopsy. I was hoping maybe someone who has been in the same situation can give me some advice. I found a lump a few months ago that was painful in and around the time my period was due so I just thought it was a cyst. But it was painful when my period wasn’t due this month so I made an appointment with the doctor to get it checked. She made an urgent referral for the breast clinic for me seeing as there is family history of breast cancer.  I went for the mammogram last week and they also gave me an ultrasound afterwards, the Doctor performing the ultrasound then took  a core biopsy and another biopsy from my armpit. The ultrasound showed up more than one lump. I waited to see the doctor afterwards and she said the first results of the biopsy were through and showed abnormal cells, that further tests had to be run on the biopsy and another appointment was made for me to come and get the results on the first of May. I am getting more worried and driving myself crazy. Does abnormal cells mean cancer? 

  • Hi Darah1701,

    I was in your exact situation a couple of weeks back, the waiting is so difficult, so many emotions running through you.

    I got my results in 2wks and unfortunately I have a stage 1 cancer. I think if so far they have only detected an abnormality in cells then that is a positive thing, they had my results in a few days, I just had to wait for an appointment to get them. Try to stay positive, at least knowing that if no diagnosis was made then worst case it is a very early stage change of cells. I know that is easier said than done but you are not alone in this journey, I have found comfort in chatting to ladies further on in their journey and their positivity has blown me away

    Hopefully you will get the all clear.. sending positive vibes your way ️ 



  • Thank you so much Nikkipea for taking the time to reply to my post. My appointment is next week so not too long now to wait on the results and hopefully they are just being over cautious which is good. I just don’t know what to expect, or whether to bring someone along with me.

     I am sorry to hear your news and I hope you are keeping well. What treatment do you have planned? 

    Best wishes


  • Hi

    i had my core biopsy yesterday, and it came as a huge shock. I had my recall letter a week ago, and was worried sick, but in the back of my mind I thought they would say it was nothing, and I was fine. 

    The radiographer said she saw a small area in my right breast, that wasnt present in the left. When I asked her if it was a lump, she said it was a blob, and could have been there years, but as it was my first mammogram they had no other X-ray to compare it to, so had to presume it was new. She said she wanted to do a core biopsy. I instantly felt sick, and began to cry and tremble. A marker was inserted during the biopsy, and then another mammogram. 

    Now I have to wait until Tuesday 30th April for my results.  I don’t know how I will get through 6 more days of waiting, as all I’m doing is crying. Ive convinced myself I’ve got full blown cancer, and I’m going to die.  


  • Hi Seana,

    Thank you, it’s surprising how you do cope with the news.. I’ve surprised myself! I was worse during the waiting part. Something just kicks in and I’m just staying positive and know I can get through this.

    Ive just had my MRI this morning to find out if it is just the small lump on the ultrasound. Results next week and then hopefully it will just be a lumpectomy and radiotherapy.

    I honestly think that an unsure result can only be a positive thing as these guys see cancer all day everyday. I was on my own for the diagnosis but i like to deal with things on my own, my mum was devastated I didn’t take her along (as I’m only 36), but her reaction to the news would’ve made it 100 times worse for me! The Macmillan nurse was so lovely and answered all of my questions. 

    So it depends on how you feel and if you like people around you or whether you would just want to absorb the info and then deal with things yourself first. You’ll be fine I know you will take someone to go have coffee and cake with afterwards when it’s all over


  • Oh Nikki I will keep you in my thoughts....and send positive thoughts your way also, hopefully your mri comes back clear and that will be all the treatment you need. I am going to remain positive, like yourself I have age on my side (I’m 35) and I have breast fed my five children which should stand in my favour too. 

    Best of luck for your treatment 

    kindest regards


  • Thank you Seana,


    Good luck with your appointment, let me know how you get on


  • Hi Sudi,

    Sorry to hear you are going through a hard time. Do you get your biopsy results on Tuesday? That is pretty quick compared to some of the other ladies in here. Try not to panic, it’s difficult not to have every scenario go through your mind but try to think positive. I think just the word cancer puts the fear into anyone but there are so many treatments available now.

    I found that researching it and understanding the whole thing has helped me deal with it. Sending you hugs and positive vibes to get through these last few days xx

  • Hi Nikki

    Thank you so very much for replying. The assessment clinic I went to said beforehand that any biopsy tests would get the results back in a week, but I truely thought an ultrasound would be all I would need, and I would be told all was ok. Now I’m thinking all sorts.  The radiographer took six biopsy’s ( the loud click thing) in all the research I’ve done, I’ve never heard of what was found on the mammogrsmme being described as a blob. That’s what she said mine looked like when I asked what she thought it was. 

    I keep reading the posts on here, and don’t feel so alone now, as my family and friends just keep saying it will be fine. 

    When do you get your next set of results?

    Im thinking of all you ladies, as your posts have comforted me lots.

    Sudi xx 



  • Hi Sudi,

    I thought the same, I was only going for a scan.. the lady only did the biopsy because of my age and wasn’t concerned at all, thought it was a fibroadenoma and so did the concsultant. I’m just glad they did it now, I also had mammograms on both breasts after I was diagnosed and it didn’t even show up! I think that is why the biopsies are taken, they are the only certain way of knowing what it is as scans can be misleading, can look like something when it’s nothing and vice versa.

    I get my MRI results next Thursday and they will decide from those the best procedure going forward. I had a bit of a meltdown last night as I think I can feel 2 more lumps, only tiny but I panicked. I think coming off the pill after 20yrs hasn’t helped as my hormones are all over the place and boobs hurting anyway now (haven’t had a period in 20yrs!).

    So I’ve got up today in the mindset of I cannot change anything so just remain positive and hopefully that will make whatever outcome easier.

    This site really does help, we are not alone in this.. some really comforting stories on here.



  • Fingers crossed for us all. You and another lady who’s post I read are only 35 and 36. I’m 56, and thought that was young, as the other two ladies who had biopsies at the same time as me were both over 75 and on a trial screening thing. 

    My appointment for results is before yours, and I will let you know how things go. Will post, even if it’s good news, I won’t just disappear. 

    On  the other hand. If I get bad news, you will be stuck with me for ages. 

    Take care until we talk sgain

    sudi xxx