Cystic thyroid nodules, enlarged thyroid and lymph nodes

I had a CT scan which showed enlarged solid lymph nodes in my neck, groin, and armpits. I had an ultrasound of my neck which showed multiple cystic thyroid nodules, an enlarged thyroid, and a 2mm comet tail sign tumour. The Radiologist told me that the thyroid nodules and tumour do look benign but they’re causing me a lot of symptoms that are related to thyroid cancer. I’ve had a family member with thyroid cancer too. I’m concerned still because I have this enlarged thyroid with several nodules, a tumour, and several lymph nodes. I know that sometimes these things can look benign but be cancerous. I’m 24 so I know a surgeon would be reluctant to remove my thyroid because of how young I am.

Would it be reasonable for me to request a biopsy/surgery based on the symptoms and related enlarged lymph nodes?

Is it possible that my benign-looking thyroid nodules/tumour are actually cancerous and have spread to the lymph nodes?

I’m just still really concerned because of the symptoms and the fact that I have several lymph nodes, not to mention the weight loss and the fact that the thyroid/lymph nodes keep growing. 

  • Welcome to our forum, JessicaZoe although I'm sorry to hear about the reason that brings you here.

    The most important step you have already taken, which was to see your doctor and get your lymph nodes checked. On the other hand, I can appreciate why you're worried and considering requesting further testing, but unfortunately we can't help you to make this decision. Only a doctor would be able to tell if more tests necessary in your case.

    Hopefully, others who have gone through a similar experience will come along shortly to share their experiences with you, as chatting to those who can relate can help ease our worries.

    In the meantime it may be a good idea to phone your medical team to discuss your concerns, in case you haven't done that yet.

    I hope things improve for you, JessicaZoe.

    With best wishes,

    Renata, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi, how are you doing? I have the same issues with my lymph nodes. Did you get down to the bottom of things??

  • Hello there

    The person who started this thread hasn't been active on the forum for a while so I am not sure if they will get back to you, i'm afraid.

    Even if they do there can be a number of reasons for enlarged lymph nodes so do speak to your doctor about them again when you get the chance and see what they have to say.

    I hope you know more about your situation soon.

    Best wishes
