Health anxiety is killing me!!!

Hi there, 

For the past few months I’ve been having a range of symptoms and I’m scared it could be something serious. I don’t mean to offend anyone on the cancer chat who have been diagnosed and I am deeply sorry and wish you all the best. I am just so scared of becoming ill and dying and it’s taking over my life! Please bear with me as this post is going to be a long one!

It started a few months ago in December when I noticed my right eye felt different and my vision felt weird and blurry. I also started getting really bad headaches at the same time, like a clamp squeezing my head. I immediately went to my opticians and a minor eye injury unit and everything was normal. I panicked myself into thinking I was going blind and didn’t believe what the opticians said. It got to the point where I was constantly checking my eyes by covering each of them up and seeing what I could see. Ultimately I ended up stressing myself out to the point where I experienced depersonalisation/de realisation feelings and that was terrifying! Nothing looked or felt real but thankfully it went away after 2 weeks. I still had my awful everyday constant headaches and went back to the GP where they said it was chronic tension headaches.

A few weeks later I started experiencing dizzy bouts but almost like when you’re drunk and feel really unsteady, this happened till the point I actually fell over! I also started realising my memory wasn’t as sharp and I couldn’t pronounce certain words like consistency! I went back to the GP and told them about this and he said it was stress but I insisted a blood test (FBC, glucose, iron, vitamin D, thyroid, kidney, liver) everything came back normal except my white blood cell count was borderline and liver enzyme level was quite high. But I felt fine until now.

Now for the past two weeks, I’ve been experiencing headaches again but they feel different to my tension headaches, joint pain in my wrists/fingers/ankles/knees/hips/elbows, constant unsteadiness, pain in left side of neck (also neck lump), pain in left shoulder/arm and back, burning/tingling feeling in arm/shoulder/chest/upper back along the spine, shortness of breath and coughing. 

I went to the GP where he said I had sinusitis due to my nose being blocked and anxiety and said I should visit a chiropractor. The second GP I went to referred me for an ultrasound on my neck and also said I have anxiety causing my symptoms and said I should visit a physiotherapist for my pain and also gave me a leaflet for counselling. I do have a vitamin D definciency which the GP said could explain my joint pain but I just don’t believe that all my symptoms are being caused by anxiety and I think it’s important to explore the other medical possibilities before putting the blame on anxiety.

I am so scared that I might have a brain tumour that may have spread to my neck/lungs/bones as my shoulder and arm hurts on and off and I get a weird tingling burning sensation on the same arm. It could just be health anxiety since it got triggered due to my eye problem and I just can’t seem to focus on anything else besides how I’m feeling and I’m constantly googling which comes up with all the stuff I’ve mentioned above. I just need some reassurance and advice on how to deal with this. I’m only 19 and I’m not ready to die or accept death and these symptoms have become so debilitating. I’m crying almost every day and I feel stuck and trapped.

thank you for taking the time to read this post as I know it is long but I just needed to share my story. Thank you so much, I really appreciate it. 

  • I get the dizzyness quite bad and quite often however I have nothing wrong with me and my anxiety is so bad I can understand how it would cause such physical symtoms and I can get rid of the panic quickly with methods I've learnt since it started. I've never actually been to the doctor for anything health related because I know there's nothing wrong with me I just worry something will happen idk it's weird. I'm only 18 and other than smoking I am very healthy. Headaches are very normal in anxiety as it's a lot of stress on your body and mind xx

  • Oh you're so young, that's great you've learnt techniques to deal with panic, how do you do it? I had a couple of full on panic attacks over the Xmas period it was awful. I'm 32 with three kids so keeping up with everything and staying sane during lockdown is proving hard. 

  •  My best friend suffered with the same thing a few years ago and he said he prayed every night and that really helped him and he went to see a few like people that bless you and things like that which he said really helped and I tried the praying even though I am not a Christian and it is very calming but idk it might not work for everyone x

  • Hi everyone

    i am experiencing all of these things too. I am having severe feelings of anxiety and it's taking over my life. I am very worried constantly that I have cancer and am going to become seriously ill all thanks to my worry and Dr.Google.

    i have problems with my wisdom teeth and have had a feeling of pulse in my ear. I also have a swollen lymph node on the back of my neck but the more I google things to more worried I am that I may have lymphoma. I don't have any other symptoms but with a health anxiety disorder it is so easy to jump to conclusions like this. I am so scared all the time and am finding it really hard to cope lately. 

    reading all these replies has made me realise that I am not alone. 

  • dont put pressure on your brain, it wont be able to do what it should, DO NOT GOOGLE, it will not help, everytime you get a negative thought take action to protect your brain, because if you mess up the wiring in your brain by thinking negative, the negative part of your brain will get stronger and be more active and it will pick on the smallest negative thing, wash your face with cold water, breath and count 4sec in 4hold 4 sec out, jog stationary in a corner of a room and count to 100 and increase daily, do not jog and think, make sure to count loud if possible, stand infront of a mirror for a minute a day to remind your self your ok, and happy and anything positive and know that you or google can not do anything, treatable or not, if you feel unwell simply make an appointment wait for it and leave the rest to the doctors and god. and go live your life

  • Hi all 

    I too suffer from severe anxiety especially around cancer I am convinced I have it and have had private test. I just want to be normal.!!! I am thinking of hypnosis has any body tried it

  • Hello

    This sounds exactly the same as my journey! I lost my husband in October to cancer, straight after my vision  started going in my left eye. My doctor told me I was grieving and depressed so put me in antidepressants. I went down hill very quick and ended up in a&e 3 weeks ago where they found a brain tumour. I was rushed to the hospital and had brain surgery they told me it was benign but the biopsy came back as lymphoma so I am awaiting chemo, radiotherapy and a bone marrow transplant. I went through chemotherapy 9 years ago for leukaemia so they think this was cells that were left over from then. I am struggling bad with anxiety and due to having such a bad experience at the hospital I am traumatised, there was missed medication and all sorts of neglect happened in hospital. It is hard as my next hospital stay is for a month and due to covid I cant have anyone with me and I am petrified.


  • You just described my life for the past 5 years 

  • Hi! 

    I would highly recommend CBT for anxiety. I have health and social anxiety alongside depression and have just completed 16 weeks of therapy from my local IAPT service. You can refer yourself and the waiting time for me at least was pretty quick. 

    It hasn't totally solved my problems but I feel like I have the tools to face things now which I defienitely didn't before. I have three Dr's appointments in the next two weeks, a year ago I would have been feeling like 'What's the point', 'I'm definitely going to die', 'I can't carry on' but I am able to keep things more under control now. Obviously I'm still worried, as anyone would be when they're ill, but if your worries and stress is affecting your life, I'd definitely say to get in touch with someone about it. 

    Dealing with the practical side of appointments, Dr's and NHS delays is hard enough, having tonnes of extra worries just makes things impossible so I can't reccomend CBT and IAPT services enough.

  • Hi I'm so relieved to know this is a thing having health anxiety, I have been going out of my mind worrying I may have cancer, I've had a hoarse throat, neck pain, I keep getting a bone pain in my arm in the exact same place and it shows up with a bruise even though I've had no injury, dizzy spells and blood in my urine and pain in my back along with flare ups with my colitis which led to thrombossed hemmoroids! I don't even like to tell my doctor anymore as I think I get on his nerves as he was very off with me last contact. I've been having major anxiety that I may have cancer but how do you say that to a doctor without feeling stupid and like a attention seeker! It's been an awful year for me health wise and I feel scared now to seek advice