Referral error with urgent referral regarding breast lump

Hi all. 

I went to the drs 10 days ago regarding a breast lump.  He done an urgent refarral to the breast clinic. Having still not heard anything today I called the hospital and drs and it appears that there was an error with the referral and the hospital didn't receive it until today. I've  been informed that because of this the 2 week wait is as of today! The last 10 days have been so worrying for me, i have since found 2 further small lumps, one in my armpit and one along my collarbone. I feel so let down. Any advice please? 


    Hi Deeh,

    I am so sorrry to hear about this mix up. I have had 2 bouts of breast cancer myself in the past 9 years and know the agony of waiting.

    You could phone the consultant's secretary and ask if she has any cancellatons. If she hasn't, ask if she thinks that it would be wise to keep phoning in the hope, or can she phone you if any come up?

    All you can do is to try and keep yourself as busy as possible. This should help to distract you from the wait.  Keep away from 'Dr Google', as this won't do you any favours. Much of the information is out of date, poorly researched or written to be a spectacular story.

    Do please let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • I would ring your GP and let the, know what’s happened along with the new lumps you’ve found, I would also ring the secretary at the breast clinic and explain the situation, and PALs too. It isn’t your fault there’s been an error and you shouldn’t be having to wait because of it.