Small lump quite far under skin in pubic area

I have recently found a small lump in my pubic area that is fairly deep in the skin. I have previously had folicle infectins and this feels harder and is really quite sore. Im struggling to get into my doctor at the moment and am fairly worried. 

I have previously had cervical cancer (luckily only stage 1a) but my recent smear has flagged up again! I have a colposcopy next week - copuld this be linked?

  • Welcome to the forum Bexy although I'm sorry for the reason you've joined us.

    Only your doctor will be able to tell you more about this lump and whether it may be connected with the results of your recent smear test so keep ringing your GP surgery until you've managed to get an appointment. 

    If any of our members have had similar symptoms I'm sure they will be along soon to offer their advice and share their experiences with you but you're more than welcome to join in on any other discussions you find about this using the 'search forum' option in the blue bar above.

    I hope you're able to find out more about this soon and that it isn't any cause for concern.

    Kind regards, 

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hello i have just found the same thing just wondering if it is anything to worry about ? X

  • Hi I have just found a lump in the same area.  It's fairly hard but also feels abit fatty.  It isn't painful but can feel it if you press on it hard.  It doesn't look red or inflamed maybe slightly bruised looking.  I'm petrified of visiting doctors at the best of times but I am really worried and know I'm going to have to give in and go.  I've had it for nearly 3 weeks and it's not gone away but not grow or changed at all.  Did you go to the doctors and what was the outcome?

  • Hello, I know this is a long shot but did you recieve any results back that explained the lump? Worried as I have the same, hope you're well x

  • Hey, 

    I did, my doctors referred me urgently to Gynae due to my history but it was completely fine - it was a large cyst that I ended up having cut out. what's super strange is I have had 0 issue from it since until yesterday! They just advised to keep an eye if it came back and if it caused agro to go back to my GP - I've found a warm compress on it has helped and has bought the infection to the surface as it is a very deep infection! Good luck with yours and make sure you ring the GP just in case x