Health Anxiety or Ovarian Cancer

Hi there, I’m a 25 year old female and lead a active lifestyle. I was on sertreline for 2 years until I hadn’t taken a few for a few days and then I stopped completely. I didn’t notice any withdrawal for 2 months and then all of a sudden they came. I had a few panic attacks in a week and then the headaches started along with eye problems, dizziness, nausea, tittunis. They lasted weeks and I went to the doctors several times and I was convinced I had a brain tumour. I believed this for 2 months and googled it everyday. I was terrified even though the doctors told me it was my anxiety and withdrawals from the tablets. I was waking up everyday and seeing if I still had headache. I went back on the sertreline but the symptoms didn’t go away until the doctor did a neurological exam on me and then they faded slowly after that. However now I am convinced I have ovarian cancer. My mum had breast cancer but didn’t have the BRACH gene. The symptoms I have are acid reflux, nausea, constipation, mild bloating, slight pressure in the abdomen. Sometime I wee a lot and sometimes I dont. I also have more spots than usual and sometimes feel out of breathe during excersie when usually I wouldn’t. I  had Severe abdominal pain once but it past when I went to the toilet. I’m on the pill and my periods are normally light but my last period 3 weeks ago was heavy for me. I’ve had all of these symptoms 3 weeks now just after my period finished. The constipation has improved slightly, but I’m still not going as regular As I used too. I’ve been to the doctors and they are still putting it down to anxiety which I find strange because I have been back on the sertaline 2 months now. Should I push for more tests at the doctors. The doctors have referred me for CBT but my first appointment is 6 weeks away. 

  • Hi RebeccaC123,

    I'm sorry you have these symptoms but, as your doctors have said, it could be down to the anxieties you have. You should continue seeking help from your GP if you are feeling unwell but spending time on a cancer forum is not going to help you and may make your anxiety worse. Anxiety UK has some great resources and support, which I hope will help,

    Best wishes,

    Moderator Anastasia