U4 Suspicious Thyroid Nodule - really worried!


I am new to this forum, though not new to Cancer Research and I just need a bit of support as dying with worry.

I was diagnosised with a thyroid nodule 3 months ago while abroad and complaining that  I was feeling constantly exhausted, gaining weight gain, losing hair and having dry skin. I saw an endocrinologist who from blood test results diagnosided me with sub-clinical hypothiroidsm and prescribed Levothyroxine. The ultrasound scan showed a thyroid nodule of less than 1cm and with normal features. The endocrinologist advised to repeat the ultrasound scan after 3 months to check no changes had happened. 

Now 3months  later and back in the UK,still feeling tired and  having had frequent coldswith sore throats, my GP sent me for a follow up thyrroid scan. I got  the results and they show that the nodule has grown and now is over 1cm, is solid, has a calcification and is vascularised both internally and peripherally and it has been classified as U4- suspicious. In addtion to that there is also another nodule less than 1cm which has been classified as U2-benign. The radiologist have strongly recommended a FNA and referral to head and neck clinic and my GP has referred me urgently.

I have an appointment with the head and neck clinic on Monday for a consultation with endocrinologist. I am dying with worry as the nodule has grown and changed so quickly and as it has been classified as suspicious, I am really terried it' cancer. My mum had thyroid nodules, then breast cancerous nodules and she passed away few years ago due to  bile duct cancer. My sister has breast cancer and had full mastectomy a few months ago and still doing chemo. I can't tell my sister right now as she is very ill herself and my dad is old and would cause him too much worry. I am on my own and after cancer has already hit my family

 twice  in the last few years , I am scared I might be the next one.


Has anyone had similar results and can share their experience? I hope I can get some answers once I see the endocrinologist on Monday and get the FNA done soon but right now I can't get my mind off this.







  • Hi Cazza0104,

    I am sorry to hear that you are having to go through the same anxiety for a Thyroid nodule.

    In my case it was classified as U4 at one hospital and then U3 at a different hospital but where I was seen by a sonographer more specialised in Thyroid cancer. I was advised to wait and monitor it and if it has grown or shows more suspicious features than repeat the biopsy. I was not advised to have it out as the first biopsy had come out benign, plus in the meantime I have too been ill and had to be in hospital for another op to deal with other stuff. I am sorry to hear that you had to deal too with having your ovaries out. I have been down that route years ago too, so I can understand the stress you might be under. I would personally recover from the other op and monitor it, but I guess it's a very individual decision. 

    All the best for your recovery from your op and keep me posted on what you decide x 

  • Thanks Angel - I've also had endimetriosis 15 years ago so you have my sympathy. The Merina Coil sorted me out completely.


    I'm going to wait 4 months - I've done lots of reseach and it seems they will know by its growth if it's malignant. I am in some discomfort tho - are you? My consultant says that often goes away once the worry subsides....

  • Hi

    I had second Ultrasound scan and biopsy done yesterday. Biggest nodule on left lobe is over 5cm. I'm waiting for result of biospy then will need to decide to either leave it or have it out. 

    Any thoughts on risks of leaving it alone if biospy again is inconclusive?




  • Thanks for your understanding Cazza0104 and sorry that you had to experience the same awful pains of the endometriosis. In my case for many other reasons and as I also had adenomyosis and other stuff. the Mirena Coil didn't help so in the end 5 years ago I had a total hysterectomy and ovaries removed. I had been totally pain free but then all of sudden I started having symptoms and scans showed endo. In the end in laparoscopy it turned out not to be active endo but thankfully scar tissue and have been under investigations for the constant pain. This has distracted me from my thyroid nodules worry though, which maybe is a positive thing.

    The ENT I saw told me too that they wanted to monitor them because this type of nodules grow slowly abut if they don't I too was advised that I need to have another biopsy as it could be a sign of being malignant. I am not in discomfort though. I was in pain after they did the scan and FNA for a few days but if I don't press on it I don't have pain.

  • Hi Jimty14,

    I hope you get your biopsy results soon. 

    I am not sure on the risks if biopsy is again inconclusive. I think if I was in that situation maybe I would seek a second opinion just for reassurance. There are too many cases of cancer in my family and I'd be very worried to leave it there. 

  • Thanks, Angel - that makes good sense...

  • Hi there,i think my body must be as broke as yours.i have now had 6 fna's 3core biopsy's and another fna in feb.i also have gall stones just wondering is this a common pre requisit to thyroid nodules.Good luck to all.

  • Hi

    I have 4 nodules on my thyroid, 3 are ok and one is a grade 4.  I am having a hemithyroidectomy in August as they have said it is possibly cancer. I am dreading it.  I also have a 5cm cyst on my kidney so am having to deal with the possibility of an op for that, I find out tomorrow.  Also I had adenomyosis in the past, I find it quite strange that we all seem to have had some kind of womb problem too.


    Good luck to you all and it would be lovely it you could all update where you are now with treatment etc as the first post was 2019.  Hope you are all well.

  • hi


    i know how you feel ! My dr said I have TR4 nodules over a month ago, still not been sent for a biopsy or fna... the fact my sister died in October from cancer and my dad had bowel cancer removed, is a disgrace they haven't sent me as urgent !!