U4 Suspicious Thyroid Nodule - really worried!


I am new to this forum, though not new to Cancer Research and I just need a bit of support as dying with worry.

I was diagnosised with a thyroid nodule 3 months ago while abroad and complaining that  I was feeling constantly exhausted, gaining weight gain, losing hair and having dry skin. I saw an endocrinologist who from blood test results diagnosided me with sub-clinical hypothiroidsm and prescribed Levothyroxine. The ultrasound scan showed a thyroid nodule of less than 1cm and with normal features. The endocrinologist advised to repeat the ultrasound scan after 3 months to check no changes had happened. 

Now 3months  later and back in the UK,still feeling tired and  having had frequent coldswith sore throats, my GP sent me for a follow up thyrroid scan. I got  the results and they show that the nodule has grown and now is over 1cm, is solid, has a calcification and is vascularised both internally and peripherally and it has been classified as U4- suspicious. In addtion to that there is also another nodule less than 1cm which has been classified as U2-benign. The radiologist have strongly recommended a FNA and referral to head and neck clinic and my GP has referred me urgently.

I have an appointment with the head and neck clinic on Monday for a consultation with endocrinologist. I am dying with worry as the nodule has grown and changed so quickly and as it has been classified as suspicious, I am really terried it' cancer. My mum had thyroid nodules, then breast cancerous nodules and she passed away few years ago due to  bile duct cancer. My sister has breast cancer and had full mastectomy a few months ago and still doing chemo. I can't tell my sister right now as she is very ill herself and my dad is old and would cause him too much worry. I am on my own and after cancer has already hit my family

 twice  in the last few years , I am scared I might be the next one.


Has anyone had similar results and can share their experience? I hope I can get some answers once I see the endocrinologist on Monday and get the FNA done soon but right now I can't get my mind off this.







  • Hi Charrrhx,

    I am glad that you didn't have to wait for that long for your biopsy and that you will have your results fairly soon. I have now been given a date for the biopsy and it's in 2 weeks, but then due to Easter I won't be able to see the ENT any earlier than the end of the month as they need to take into account the time to get the results. 

    I had thought of going private but I can't really afford that money right now :( 

    I am glad to hear that your biopsy went ok and that it wasn't too painful :) 

    I hope it all goes well for you and keep in touch x 

  • Sorry you are having to wait so long, that is really rubbish. 

    But the way I’ve been dealing with the waiting is just trying to enjoy myself whilst everything is not confirmed at the moment, it means I’m enjoying myself before everything potentially changes and turns to definite answers - although I do want to know what’s going on, I’m scared of how it will change my whole life, these could be my last few days of ‘normal’. If you look at it that way, you have a few more weeks of just continuing as normal xx

  • I had my FNA and have appointment with ENT today to discuss my results.I am terrified and anxiety is now kicking in.

    In the meantime I have found out I have something else (not thyroid or cancer related) and will need surgery for that too this week as I am in lot of pain. As if a suspicious nodule wasn't enough.

  • Hi angel,


    please let me know how you get on, really crossing my fingers for you.

    How long have you had to wait for your appointment, the waiting is awful, my consultant rang me at my request as soon as results were available (3 days after fna) because I just wanted to know. 

    Strangely enough they have found I have a gallstone as well that will need dealing with once I have had my surgery and any other treatment.

    i think our bodies are broke!

    talk soon xx

  • Hi Charrrx,

    Thanks.I will update you once I have results.

    I had to wait for 2 weeks for the results due to the Easter holidays and that specific ENT surgeon in only on Mondays.They would only give the results in person.It's good that you didn't have to wait that long, the waiting is awful.

    Oh no, I am sorry to hear your have a gallstones and have to deal with that too.I too feel sometimes like my body is totally falling apart. :( 

    I hope it all goes well for you and keep in touch x

  • I think I would have gone crazy waiting 2 weeks, now I’m sort of numb to the process. It’s driving me mad.

    my FNA results didn’t provide too much information either, unlike my scan which came back as U4, my FBA came back as equivalent to thy3 but follicular cells presentation, which is they can’t tell either way, which I why I have my surgery on Friday so they can look at the full thing! X

  • The only reason I am not going mad is that I have been in such bad pain for my other problems (severe endometriosis) and worrying about a potential surgery this week that it has taken my mind off the FNA results a bit. Today though anxiety has hit me really hard.

    I am sorry to hear that your FNA tests came back a bit inconclusive. I have heard that can often happen but then if they can't tell either way is too risky not to have surgery. At least that way you can be safe and they can have a full biopsy. Mine showed as U4 in my ultrasound but my GP referred me to a different hospital for the FNA and the sonographer commented during the FNA that she thinks is benign. I am not sure how a nodule can appear different between two hospitals and at a distance of 3 weeks. I have been misdiagnosed before for other stuff and I have little trust nowadays. I hope they get it right x 

  • Hi Angel, 


    how did you get on? 

  • Hi Charrrxx,

    After waiting 2 weeks for the results and waiting for 2 hours today, the ENT I was supposed to see wasn't there so I saw another consultant.

    From the ultrasound scan that they did again they classified the nodule as U3 - undetermined (while at the other hospital was classified as U4 suspicious). The sonographer says it looks benign, however there is a slight chance that it's a small cystic papillary tumour. The FNA result was T2 benign. 

    However as at ultrasound it's still undetermined they want to repeat the FNA but they said they can't do it immediately as the area needs to heal. They want to see if it grows further or anythings changes and repeat it in 5 months time. 

    On one side I am relieved that it didn't show malignant in the biopsy but at the same time I don't like to be in the limbo and having to wait for 5 months with the fear that it could in the meantime turn nasty. The ENT said that even if it turned into cancer,this type of tumour grows slowly so it wouldn't be risky to do biopsy in 5 months. Not sure what to think...

    Angel x

  •  Hi Angel,

    It's a few months since you posted, so are you waiting to see if it grows? I am in precisley the same boat - a U3 1.4cm nodule. I can have it out or wait four - six months to see if it has grown. My consultant says if it hasn't grown, it's not likely to be malignant. If it has they will do another biopsy. I'm tempted to wait rather than have it out as as I've just had my ovaries out followed swiftly by a colonoscopy and I need a break!