U4 Suspicious Thyroid Nodule - really worried!


I am new to this forum, though not new to Cancer Research and I just need a bit of support as dying with worry.

I was diagnosised with a thyroid nodule 3 months ago while abroad and complaining that  I was feeling constantly exhausted, gaining weight gain, losing hair and having dry skin. I saw an endocrinologist who from blood test results diagnosided me with sub-clinical hypothiroidsm and prescribed Levothyroxine. The ultrasound scan showed a thyroid nodule of less than 1cm and with normal features. The endocrinologist advised to repeat the ultrasound scan after 3 months to check no changes had happened. 

Now 3months  later and back in the UK,still feeling tired and  having had frequent coldswith sore throats, my GP sent me for a follow up thyrroid scan. I got  the results and they show that the nodule has grown and now is over 1cm, is solid, has a calcification and is vascularised both internally and peripherally and it has been classified as U4- suspicious. In addtion to that there is also another nodule less than 1cm which has been classified as U2-benign. The radiologist have strongly recommended a FNA and referral to head and neck clinic and my GP has referred me urgently.

I have an appointment with the head and neck clinic on Monday for a consultation with endocrinologist. I am dying with worry as the nodule has grown and changed so quickly and as it has been classified as suspicious, I am really terried it' cancer. My mum had thyroid nodules, then breast cancerous nodules and she passed away few years ago due to  bile duct cancer. My sister has breast cancer and had full mastectomy a few months ago and still doing chemo. I can't tell my sister right now as she is very ill herself and my dad is old and would cause him too much worry. I am on my own and after cancer has already hit my family

 twice  in the last few years , I am scared I might be the next one.


Has anyone had similar results and can share their experience? I hope I can get some answers once I see the endocrinologist on Monday and get the FNA done soon but right now I can't get my mind off this.







  • Hi, 

    I am 25 and have 2 children (6 and 1)

    I have the same problem (u4 nodule) but have reached this point via a different path, I can’t actually feel the thyroid lump I have (2cm) because it’s apparently sitting deep, so it’s not visible either. 

    I first went to the doctors because my lymph nodes on my neck were swollen (3 in total), they have said the lymph nodes themselves don’t look suspicious but they have instead found this lump. 

    I have my biopsy on Monday afternoon, I have an appointment for the consultant the following Monday so I should know my results then. 

    I too am worried about the possibility of it spreading - you mention your mum had thyroid nodules which then turned into breast nodules; did it spread via her lymph nodes? 


    Would be good to stay in touch, wishing you luck.

    charlotte xx

  • Hi,

    I am so sorry to hear you are having to face the same worry and at such young age too.

    My lymph nodes on my neck have been a bit swollen too over the last couple of months but they don’t look suspicious on the scan.

    All the best for your biopsy on Monday, I hope it all goes well. The anxiety and worry of the wait is awful.

    My mum had thyroid nodules but they never turned malignant so she didn’t have them taken out but she had to monitor them regularly. The nodule in the breasts was many years later but the two things didn’t seem to be linked. She had the breast nodules caught just on time so she didn’t need chemo, but then she had cancerous cells in her uterus and she had to have a full hysterectomy. It seemed all ok and then 20 years later she was diagnosed with bile duct cancer.

    Having gone through all of that with my mum and still going through with my sister who has breast cancer, really terrifies me :( 

    Angel x 

  • Seems like cancer has been a big unwanted part of your life. 

    I’m hoping the best for you, please keep me updated on your situation, would be good to stay in touch. 

    Always here for a chat. 

    You are doing the right thing by having this all checked out, leaving it and ignoring it is asking for disaster. Your mum seemed a fighter towards the cancer, as is your sister. If what your experiencing does turn out to be what you think it is, I can imagine you’d be a fighter too. 

    Best wishes xx

  • Thank you so much for your support.

    All the best to you too for tomorrow and I hope it all goes well.

    Keep in touch and let me know how it goes for you too xx

  • good luck for today...and for results.

    I had biopsy on nodule on Friday so am now in the waiting game too.

    Sending a hug/


  • good luck for today...and for results.

    I had biopsy on nodule on Friday so am now in the waiting game too.

    Sending a hug/


  • Thank you and hope you get your results soon.The waiting is the worst for me.

    I saw the ENT earlier and he has referred me for biopsy which I should have within 2 weeks.However my appointment to get the results is not till the end of the month.I'm not sure how I am going to copy with my anxiety in the meantime.


  • It is not easy ....I try to keep telling myself nothing bad is happening right now...and that if the worst happens, that thyroid cancer has a really really high success rate.

    Sending a hug.

  • Aw angel, the waiting is horrible, it might be worth mentioning your anxiety to the consultant or radiology department, they may be able to slot you in a little bit earlier. 


    I got lucky with my biopsy times, I was seen on Friday and had my biopsy yesterday, by the way it didn’t hurt one bit, they numbed it and then stuck the needle in two different times but honestly having a blood test is worse pain. 


    I get get my results next Monday, will let you know how I get on.


    if you are able to, there’s always private biopsys you can have but it cost around £800-1000 depending where u are xx

  • Yes you are right... the only thing to try and keep in mind is that eveb if it was cancer at least is not one of the worst and the consultant said it too that it has a high rate of success.

    Thanks for the support xx