HPV and waiting for biopsy results

Hi, I had a smear test 2 years that came back as abnormal and showed I had HPV. I had a colposcopy and a biopsy was taken, results came back as normal. Was supposed to go back for a smear a year later, but left it 2 years, results were abnormal again and showed  HPV again. Went for another colposcopy 4 weeks ago and a biopsy was taken, still waiting for results. I think I have genital warts which have only appeared in the last few months. Is it unusual that my HPV hasn’t cleared yet and that genital warts have appeared(I know all about the different types of HPV) 

  • Welcome to the forum Zippy although I'm sorry for the reason you've joined us.

    If you're worried about the length of time it's taking for your results to come through, maybe you could get in touch with your GP to find out what's going on or see if it's possible for them to chase it up for you.

    Only medical professionals will be able to answer the questions you've asked in your post so do be sure to ask your doctor about this when you get in touch with them, but you're more than welcome to have a quick chat with our cancer nurses about this as well. You can call them on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m.

    Kind regards, 

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator