Worried about high liver enzymes



ive been seeing a hematologist for swollen lymph nodes in my jaw. she sent me for bloodwork and ct scan a few days ago. ct came back normal for the nodes, but bloodwork showed elevated liver enzymes (i believe she said they were in the 100s and normal high is 40). i should also note that the day after my blood test, i was vomiting with diarhea and then had a fever and constipation.

i had extensive bloodwork done in the summer and my liver enzymes were 24 or 25, so normal. i also had a ct of the abdomen in the summer for something else and the doctor mentioned my liver was enlarged so i assumed it was fatty liver.

i am a 21 year old male and weigh 270 lbs so i am definitely over weight and am trying to eat healthy again and start exercising. i am worried that these enzyme numbers mean i have liver cancer or liver disease. i also have been having slight pain in the abdomen.

the only other thing i can think of is after i had a small drink a few months ago, i remember getting severe pain in my side and back for a minute or so and it eventually went away. i dont drink often at all. any ideas? thanks

  • Hello mattman1, 

    I can appreciate that it must be worrying for you and that you would like to understand what these enzyme numbers mean.  Unfortunately, we cannot help you get a diagnosis.  Only a doctor can diagnose you. If you are unhappy with the way you are being looked after by your current doctor you may want to consider getting a second opinion and you can find out more about this here. Your doctor will be in the best position to answer your questions about the elevated liver enzymes and what these might mean. You could bring up at the same time the pain you experienced in your side a few months ago after having a drink. 

    I hope you find the reassurance you need soon. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator