How long for histology results for biopsies

Hi everyone,this is my first time posting.I had a gastroscopy and colonoscopy last friday. They found a 5mm sessile polyp in a duodenal,(smooth surface in D2)they didn't remove the polyp(is this normal not to remove) but take 3 forceps biopsies. Then the found a 3mm sessile polyp in the sigmoid what they removed and have sent for testing. I am freaking out and just want to know the results. Does anyone know the time frame in qhich i should know? I dont know if im just stressing over nothing, my nan died of cancer and i cant sleep as im worrying what it could be. I read online that duodenal polyp are rare and a higher change of being cancer then not. Ps sorry for my rambling. Also im 30 years old 

  • Hi Kat88,

    Welcome to the forum. It takes around two weeks to get the results for both tests, if you don't receive the results in over two weeks, it is best to chance this up with your doctor. The wait can be frustrating, but try not to freak out and this won't help. I can give you some tips here, which hopefully are useful.

    All the best,

    Moderator Anastasia

  • Is it likely that is the histology result is not back in two weeks and caught up with my doctor, then they feel it is nothing to worry further about?

    My doctor told me on two occasions there is no doubt that I have cancer, once before my colonoscopy, flexi EMR and CT scan. Again after.  This was all based on my FIT test being 400.  I have since found out he could not possibly make that judgement without a histology. He was very matter of fact, no emotion in his voice, it has been a very trying two and a bit weeks.  Hoping no news is good news!