Worried sick

Hi there 

I’m new to this site. I found a lump in my right breast and rang my doctor last Thursday morning. I can’t fault them and I was seen as an emergency within an hour. He checked my breasts said he “thinks” the lump is a cyst and has referred me to the breast clinic to be on the safe side. 

I’m absolutely worried sick! They have confirmed that they have my referral and will write to me with my appointment. 

Can someone tell me what happens in the breast clinic please. I know I’m having a mammogram but not sure what else. 

  • Hello there lovely,


    i think its all been said really...this forum has been my god send, it saved my sanity, we are all here for one another ......virtually holding each other's hands.....you will get through this week, your mind will be all over the place but you will get through it....then Friday will come and you will be on the right path whatever the results maybe.....let us know what happens? Xx

  • Thank you so much ladies for replying! [@hoshireika]‍ I hope this helps you xxx

  • Thank you [@petrgn]‍ and  [@Marlyn]‍ (and [@MarieR77]‍ !!!)

    Your support and advice means so much, and is also very inspiring! I'm handling the wait better than I expected, but I have moments where I feel everything's falling apart and that this isn't really happening! Had a lovely day with friends and family yesterday and was able to forget about everything for a while, which was wonderful. Will be glad once Friday is out of the way and I know what the next step is.

    All the best to all of you, we'll all get through it eventually, as hard as it may be xxxx

  • You have a wonderful attitude.  

    We all get those scary days even when we are accepting of this horrible diagnosis.  The support here has let me accept things.  So very many people are going through this and having a better quality of life.  I have spent so many close and quality days with friend and family.  I worked a bit too much (of course on down days even blame that!).

    I am going to need the wonderful support from you all after my op as I know I’ll go to pieces. Another two week wait to see how many lymph nodes have cancer.  I’ll need you all then....please .




  • Hello lovely! Hope you’re doing okay and are worrying less (easier said than done) but I just thought I’d share my experience of when I found a lump. I’d never ever felt a lump before and then suddenly I had this lump suddenly appear (it felt quite huge too which scared me even more) I managed to get an emergency appointment and the gp wasn’t very reassuring but when I had my appointment at the hospital about a week later (I was urgently referred due to suspected cancer) the doctors and nurses were amazing. The nurse asked me a few questions first and then did an exam, she checked both breasts and armpits and found 3 lumps altogether which she said didn’t feel sinister. She guessed either fibroadenoma or hormonal changes. The doctor then had a feel and sent me for an ultrasound as I’m a bit young for a mammogram to be very accurate. This confirmed my lumps were breast tissue and everything was normal. It’s so easy to panic but try not to, I know quite a few women who’ve had lumps and they’ve turned out to be a number of things. Best of luck :) Shelby x 

  • Petgrn 

    always here Chucky egg.....will you be a day patient? Xxxx

  • Unfortunately not a day patient.  Aspiration if lymph nodes showed cancer cells in there.  All be coming out.....ouch!!!!   xxxxxx


  • All lymph nodes? You got to make sure you do the exercises they give you, preventing fluid build up.....your also having a lumpectomy aren't you? Mine was absolutely straight forward...no problems at all.....scar big but neat....I put cream on it twice a day in prep for rads which will begin a few weeks after chemo finishes....

    you got this....we all have....life is good! Xxxx

  • I can only get through this knowing you are all there. I can’t understand how cancer cells have got to lymph nodes.  It is a small 1.2cm lesion.. Breast Surgeon couldn’t feel it and said armpit normal exam.  I’m in fear it’s spread.
