Cervical cancer back pain


I have been experiencing some of the symptoms of CC and wanted to find out if and when you felt back pain. I bleed in between periods and after intercourse. Sometimes for up to a week and a half. I had always put it down to being on the pill. (Irregular periods) every time I try to book into having a smear test I end up bleeding a day or two before so have to cancel. It takes 2 weeks to be seen by a drs at my surgery.

I have been having back pain in the evenings but just put that down to being overworked. Last Monday I began getting a pain in my lower back which has been constant. I have tried all sorts hot water bottle, ice packs, voltarol cream, ibuprofen and co codamol. Nothing has helped and it’s pretty painful with apressure like pain. I will be going into see my drs today. 

What did your back pain feel like? I have searched the web and have found no description of a certain type of back pain for CC. I’m worried it could be something serious as nothing has helped with easing the pain. My Nan also died of Cervical cancer 42 years ago. Does this put me at a greater risk? 


Sara x

  • Hi sa1836,

    I had many of the same symptoms in the past and it turned out to be ovarian cysts and uterine fibroid tumors. I had to have a C-section surgery to have them removed. I also have really severe endometriosis. Have you have a pelvic exam and an ultrasound? I'm sorry you're going through this. It must be frustrating.



  • I am having exactly the same symptoms. Do you have an update on how things are? Hope all is well. 

  • Hi I'm having the same symptoms now and wondered how it worked out for you? I'm only 20 so I know it would be a rare case and I obviously haven't had a smear yet but I'm very scared. My doctor did a swan test yesterday but I had a urine sample taken a few months ago for the same symptoms and it came back clear so I don't think it's an infection which scares me more. The back pain went a way for a while and isn't as bad now even thought it's come back and the spotting has been very very light, I only noticed it 3 times at first and i only saw it once this time (3 months later). Please help 

  • Hello, it's so frustrating isn't it. I had my smear and colposcopy and all came back clear with no concerns. Was told its probably just one of them things however, at the age of 36 I've never had irregular bleeding and am not on hormonal contraception. My spotting also comes on around ovulation. It's hard because I want to push to be checked as the back pain at times is like a horrendous spasm. 

    However to reassure you, mine was nothing to do with cervical cancer. All is good in that area. 

    Let me know how you're getting on. 

  • Hi, I'm sorry your going through this. And im sorry to jump on your post and ask for advice but does anyone have any idea?

    In 2015 I had an internal scan which showed ovarian cysts and a polyp on my cervix (wasn't removed) then

    Just over a year ago I had my 1st smear, came back with abnormal cells and HPV, they wanted to see me 6 months later and stupidly! I never went back, (I ignore things like an idiot) anyway I had my daughter in Aug and have bled continuously since, everything is fine in terms of how it should be after giving birth but I've started with really bad lower back pain, and pelvis pain along with this abnormal bleeding, I've been prescribed Provera to stop the bleeding and tomorrow I have an appointment for a pelvic exam but as you can gather I'm really panicking because I ignore things id rather not know. Don't know if that's what it is or maybe my cysts playing up. I'd never forgive myself for not going back if the worst case scenario happens. 

    Hope all goes well for you ! 


  • Hey im in a similar situation did they manage to find the cause 


    Hey im in a similar situation did they manage to find the cause