Hello, basically I'm 23 years old and I'm *** scared of having Colon Cancer. I understand it's very rare at my age but I'd have some symptoms and suddenly I convince myself I have a serious problem.
A couple of years ago I started having very large stools. I would wipe for ages and still not be clean. (Sorry for the information haha). Eventually there would be blood but I put it down to large stools and excessive wiping so just forgot about it and it eventually stopped. Now, the last 6 month's or so, sometimes blood appears and other times it doesn't.
A few weeks back, I had very bad diarrhoea for 2 days and blood started to appear again so I went to the doctors. No inspection took place and she gave me some hemmeroids cream after I told her about my symptoms.
Everything went back to normal for a few weeks and due to me worrying so much, I completely switched up my diet and started eating a lot more greens and fruit.
Like I said, I was fine for a few weeks after this and I presumed the change in my diet and cream helped. But now all of a sudden, I've started getting excessive gas and I'm constantly belching. There's no blood in my actual stool but after wiping, blood tends to start appearing on the toilet paper (only a tiny bit). My stool will sometimes be normal but then will sometimes be pencil thin and considering I eat the same foods everyday, I would expect my stool to atleast stay a little consistent? I also sometimes get extremely mild stomach cramps, like I have to concentrate to identify it, but it is there.
I haven't lost any weight, I don't feel sick and I dont feel tired all the time. As you can see, I've done my research and know the symptoms haha!
I basically want someone to either put my mind at rest and tell me it's extremely rare and likely something else, or I want someone to worry the *** out of me so I get properly checked up again. The thought of going the doctors and having something put up me really freaks me out, but the thought of cancer freaks me out more.
Symptoms present -
Mild stomach cramps
Blood on toilet paper sometimes
Pencil thin stool sometimes
Burning sensation after passing stool sometimes