Waiting for haematology appointment

Hi all,

i’m so worried about my upcoming urgent haematology appointment (which is in over 4 weeks despite the 2 week limit on urgent appointments) which i’ve been referred to for mutiple swollen lymph nodes in my groin (I went to the doctor with 2 and since then 2 more have popped up) which showed up after no infection. 

I also have a swollen lymph node in my neck which i’ve had for over a year but the new lymph nodes in my groin are completely different to this one as they are rock solid and are immovable.

i’ve had bloodwork done which came back fine and an ultrasound which found it was lymph nodes that were swollen but didn’t say wether they were cancerous or not and now my gp has referred me to haematology.

i’ve been suffering from really bad fatigue (needing 12+ hours sleep at night and a nap in the day) causing me to not function and just have no energy to do anything really causing me to have to drop out of sixth form because i just couldn’t get up and when i did i would fall asleep in class and i’ve also been having occasional night sweats where my windows would steam up on the inside and my top and sheets would be damp but not soaking

i have no other symptoms that i’m aware of and honestly don’t really think it is cancer but as i keep finding new lumps i can’t help but worry about it

how can i stop worrying while i wait to see the haematologist any advice would be much appreciated 

thanks x

  • Welcome to Cancer Chat, Overly although I'm sorry to hear about the reasons that bring you here.

    I see from your post that you are worried about some symptoms you have.  The best thing to do is to go and see your doctor about these problems so I was glad to read that you have this process already initiated.  When you are worried that you may have cancer, it can be tempting to look for answers on an online forum, but this can end up increasing anxiety rather than making you feel better.  And the only person that can diagnose you is your doctor.  

    I hope this is helpful.  

    Kind regards,

    Renata, Cancer Chat Moderator