Swollen lymph nodes for almost two years

I've never posted anything hear before but I'm desperate for some advice 

In October 2017 I noticed a lump on the side of my neck with no other symptoms. I had had night sweats on and off for years but never thought anything of it until they started to happen a few times a week. I went to the gp who told me to come back in two weeks if the lump hadn't gone down. This happened for another four months until I finally said that I was either to be referred somewhere for an answer or I was going to make an official complaint.

I had an ENT appointment in September 2018 and by this point I had swollen lymph nodes in my armpit that were unbearably painful. The consultant sent me for an ultrasound biopsy and a CT scan to query lymphoma. The ultrasound didn't show anything so a biopsy wasn't performed and my CT did show enlarged lymph nodes but "not big enough to be worrying" 

I was already really frustrated because I wasn't getting any answers and my health was getting worse and worse. For context I'm at university in Scotland away from home (Ireland), working part time and volunteering so I really didn't need the stress. Not to mention how worried my parents were, and were not a rich family who could afford to fly back and forth all the time.

I had a haematology appointment in December where I was basically told that they didn't know what was wrong with me and they were ready to discharge me. Not only were all my original symptoms getting worse (I now had painful lymph nodes under both arms and in my neck) but I also started to show new symptoms. I had constant kidney infections that couldn't be treated, i was exhausted all the time, my appetite had gone, I was getting headaches everyday and I either had a fever or chills, no in between. I pretty much broke down and demanded to see another consultant which I did in January.

This consultant told me that my scan looked clear and pointed out things they would be looking for. He then booked me an appointment for April which was basically a "wait and see" kind of thing.

Fast forward over two months and my health has gone from bad to worse. On top of everything else, I become breathless quite easily and it feels like there is a lot of pressure on my chest. I know that this could be down to anxiety but I can't help but relate it to everything else. 

Everytime I go to a GP I'm told I'm being overdramatic (I have bipolar disorder which doctors already judge right away). I'm really panicking to the point where I might have to quit my job and uni because my health is so bad and I'm in a constant state of panic.

No one in my family, close and extended, has had cancer so we don't know how to deal with it. I do know that I feel like a complete hypochondriac all the time and I cry pretty much every day over it. Would there be a possible way to seek a second opinion without having to go private which I really couldnt afford? I'm running out of options and if it is cancer I at least want to be given the chance to fight it.

Thank you for reading, any other experiences or advice would be really appreciated so I don't feel so alone in this 

  • This is totally fine, Lymph nodes are usually harmless and benign as long as you can move them and they're not growing or getting harder you should be fine, this could be due to an infection or a cold you may have suffered, I had the same problems when I was 24 and now I am 68, hope you certainly feel better.

  • Hi. I have the same problem recently. Found a moveable lump above my collarbone and I am bricking it to know what it is. I've got severe health anxiety and it is stressing me out! My neck muscles also twitch and my neck in general is so painful! Can't help but to think the worst with health anxiety! When are getting your results back? I am a slim guy so I can feel most of my nodes but the one above my collarbone is worrying me

  • Hello! I have had 5 swollen lymph nodes for a while now! I have two under my jaw, 1 on either side of my neck and 1 in my groin! I have had blood tests which came back clear so in theory I'm fine. I'm still a ball of stress because I have health anxiety and every time I feel a tiny bit unwell I immediately assume I'm going to die. I'm only 17 and the doctor told me it's completely fine and actually took me seriously, I of course nearly passed out when he took my blood tho . But more often than not swollen lymph  nodes are completely harmless and just stayed after they fought an infection. I am currently having some suspected problems with a wisdom took and am wondering could this be the cause? It's been attempting to come down for months, but barely broke the gums and now it's making it sore to open my mouth and I realise my jaw is constantly clenched. I am aware that the clenching is most likely my anxiety.      This is a trying time for everyone and especially for people with mental health issues! It's difficult in every way you can think, we don't have our regular routines or support systems, we don't have distractions either. I hope you take comfort in knowing how many minor issues can cause swollen lymph nodes. Wish you luck :) 

  • Hello, I am 18 and I have loads of swollen lymph nodes too I have them in my neck under my armpits and one above my collar bone. Similarly to you I had two blood tests done and both came back fine (I ended up fainting with one) but I also have upper back pain which has been here for ages now. I have had a chest X-ray and it's been 2 weeks and still haven't received the results. I feel like it's never ending and I just want to know if somethings wrong. Are they doing anything else about yours or are they stopping from the blood tests? Hope you are okay 

  • Hello, I hope you are okay ... I have the same and it's above my left side of coller bone and movable have you seen your doctor at all? It's been 2 weeks and I still haven't got my results back 

  • Hi, I was just wondering if you ended up finding out what all of this was about 

  • The doctor said I need no further tests because I'm fine otherwise that's the only thing wrong! I'm blaming them on my wisdom tooth, because the one under my jaw is on the side where my wisdom tooth is coming down! I hope your X-rays come back clear and everything's fine. I'm very prone to cysts anyways so the ones in my neck could simply be that! I'm not too concerned anymore as he's pretty confident that I'm ok! If I start to have any other health issues like pain or anything like that I will ask him to investigate further. They're up for a good while now a couple of months but still move and are relatively soft, which is a good thing. I wish you luck and hope your X-rays come back clear! I know it's silly but try not to be too worried, I'm sure it's something minor ! :)

  • Just on a reAssuring note: I'm 19 years old and have also a small movable lump on the side of my neck which is only there when I push down into my neck!! I have had this for 4 years now and have been perfectly healthy with no symptoms of anything nasty !! I have bad anxiety and I touch it every so often and get worried and it doesn't come out my mind for ages and obviously I use google which really isn't the best. The best thing that u can do if everything is okay is just keep a eye on it if everything is okay and make sure it doesn't change like grow bigger !! Lymph nodes pop up to fight infection that u may not even know about !! And some just never go back to a normal size. 

    hope this has reassured some people !! 

  • Hi this is the first post i have seen where someone mentions 'long' nodes, i have two above my left collarbone one long and one round i am still waiting for an ultrasound. Did you get any further with yours?

  • Hi hope everyone is okay on here

    I've had a lymph node behind my ear since early December, since then it has got bigger and noticed another on the other side and are painless, I had blood tests and chest x ray which came back fine, and saw ENT who did an untlrasound who said things look normal.

    however I'm still having other symptoms which I mentioned to ENT like itching, night sweats, random bone pain

    I'm unsure of what to do next as they said it looked fine, but I just can't help feeling that something is wrong, if anyone has any similar symptoms I'd be interested to hear x