Urgent referral

Hi all I have had lots of pain in my breast I'm 53 and thought it was an age thing went to doctor Tuesday said couldn't feel any lumps and no obvious signs of anything checked arm pit said to take ibrupofen for pain but would refer me to breast clinic and not lose any sleep Went away feeling better but still your not 100% as its a worry. I have now received my referral letter saying doctor has fast tracked me and its in two weeks time from day of doctors appointment this seems to contradict what doctor said I'm terrified any body had this please x

  • Hi i to have an urgent referral for what the GP suspects to be throat cancer, its so scary, dont know about you but i cant sleep, i know yours is a different area the the fact you are being sent for a referral is still frightening isnt it ? i cant get my head round ths, my GP was so harsh, no explanation at all did not have time to digest what he was saying, of course they are busy people, how are you today ?

                                 Yours Truly Heather

  • Wow such courage,  i am so glad that you are feeling better despite the diagnosis , do you talk about it with your Wife and Son?


                         Kind regards H

  • Hi

    Thank you for you reply , yes it is the waiting that makes you more anxious, and that i am so claustophobic so i concerned about the tests as well.

                           Thanks H

  • Hi All of this strange journey,we all are on,certainly has us talking about things we never could imagine.Conversations become heated angry and other strange feelings.At the end of the day,does it make you feel better to share this burden,i think so.Wish you well .Crib.

  • I think ,from a quick start,when things are moveing along,its ok.When it stops,and your in that empty space,then we all start to feel some what troubled..That must be just the way ithe system works.Hold your nerves,and try to rise above it. Crib.

  • Hi I am so sorry you had a bad experience it's not what you need when you are fragile the hospital were lovely they took time to relax me and explain everything and waited whilst I talked we even had a laugh about Dr Google and how we refer to it please don't worry about the hospital and the reception you will get it will be a totally different experience sending you lots of love. And hope for a positive outcome. I myself got a clear outcome.