Awaiting CT Scan results


i had an ‘urgent’ CT scan of entire turso at beginning of January (I think it was more because they can’t figure out what’s wrong with me, than looking for anything specific)

anyhoo, the consultant said to wait 2 weeks for the results, but if there’s nothing found he’ll ring me to let me know. Roll on 5 weeks and not heard anything, which I presume means nothing was found. I rang up the dr’s secretary again today, and she said she’d get the doctor to write to me urgently

Would the secretary have seen something, or could she just be saying urgently because she’s aware that I’ve had to wait for the results so trying to speed up response.

I’m just very frustrated at being in dark for so long (tho like I said the longer I wait the less likely there is anything wrong??)

  • I can only go by my experience and say the urgency is because of the wait time, if they had found something that wasn't normal they would of been in touch by now, I had a phone call 10 days post MRI and I'm hoping to get some answers finally today (have seen specialists and had further tests since they've been in touch).

  • Thanks, think your right. It’s unlikely to be anything if I’ve not heard from them yet.

  • I am in the same situation had a CT scan 9th January and heard nothing phoned up yesterday and they said appointment will come in the post consultant is waiting to view scans he has been on holiday.  I was thinking no news is good news but has put doubt in my mind!

  • Hi,

    I’d still not heard anything so I rang up the dr’s secretary again this morning. She said she had just made me an appointment which just needs signing off. Also the consultants asked for the nurse clinician to ring me, which will be this or next Tuesday evening (wasn’t sure which she said). She couldn’t give me anymore info.

    Im not just frustrated, I’m also confused as to what’s going on. Do I read anything into the above, or would this just be the standard way to tell me everything’s ok and then an appointment to go through further options? 


  • I've had the results of the CT scan which showed no malignancy. I've had a call off the nurse clinician today, who says they didn't find anything wrong with my bowels. But they did notice bone in my spine smaller than it should be, so are sending me for an MRI scan in next 2 weeks, he didn't go into any more detail.

    Anyone any idea what this could be?

  • I don't have the answer for you. I just want you to know I'm in the same position as you. After an emergency visit to my gp they rang an ambulance to get me to hospital. They were even preparing me for emergency surgancy the same night. 

    I had 2 ECG's and xrays which resulted normal. When the surgeon tapped on my ribs, the had to peel me off the ceiling.

    Then I had the CT scan, it's only been a week so I don't know the results. 

    In a few days they are putting the camera down my throat. 


    I'm with you on your journey and I'm here if you need to talk. 

    Anytime xx

  • Hi I'm waiting for c.t results to .I had it 2 weeks ago.i then had a letter to say I'm booked in for a cyscopopy on Monday.i rang the hospital yest to see if the results are back and they are but the receptionist said that they will talk through the results with me on Monday. I'm now worried because if the results were ok could she not of told me.i understand that they are not medically trained but when I have had other results in the past I've rang up for they have been able to tell me that they are clear.hope your results come back ok for you

  • Hi I had an urgent ct of my brain & 4 weeks on I hadn't heard anything & was thinking no news is good news then I received a letter to go for an mri which I had yesterday,now I've been told I have to wait up to 4 weeks for results,hope your well & get good results