Red patch on breast

Hi everyone,

im new to this site. Was wondering if anyone can give me any information? For months now I've experienced intense itchy in both of my breasts. This took me to the doctor. I was sent for referral to hospital where I had a mammogram and breast scan. Both were normal. That was September 2018. Since then the itching has continued with flare ups in other areas on both my sides (torso). I do suffer from psoriasis but haven't seen anything like this. So January I re visited the doctor. Doc thought I may have some kind of skin infection and give some cream which seem to calm the situation.  Today  I have woken with  a large red imflamed patch on my breast. I can also feel a small pea size lump. The cream hasn't worked. I'm obviously worried about IBC. I know I'm jumping to conclusions. I do intend to see the doctor this week. I'm just wondering if my story is ringing alarm bells with anyone? Thanks in advance.