Worried about scan results

Hi all, I had a CT scan nearly three weeks ago and hadn't heard anything until today, I'd taken this as good news. However I had a message left today on my answerphone saying I need to go to Urology on Monday for a face to face meeting with the consultant. As a bit of background I had previously had ultrasound scans on my kidneys and bladder, plus a cystoscopy which all came back as clear. The consultant decided to send me for a CT scan as well and in the mean time wrote to say he wouldn't need to see me back at the clinic so long as the scan result was clear. 

I'm now left very worried as to why I've been called in for a face to face meeting and why they couldn't tell me what was wrong by letter or on the phone. 

Is it usual to wait three weeks for CT scan results and if it's anything serious do they normally contact you sooner? I presume they wouldn't call me in for an appointment to give an all clear? 

  • Hi canoeman, 

    I hope this information we have on our website about getting results will help but if you have time before your appointment tomorrow you're more than welcome to give our cancer nurses a call. Their phone lines are open from 9a.m tomorrow morning and can be contacted on 0808 800 4040.

    These questions pop up on the forum quite a bit so fingers crossed some of our members will reply soon to share their knowledge and experiences with you.

    Best wishes for tomorrow canoeman.

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi,

    I have never posted anything before, but am feeling very scared and very alone.I wondered if you could tell me how you got on at your appointment with your consultant. I am waiting for results from a ct urogram I had done 1 week ago. I had an ultra scan 4 weeks ago which showed a swollen kidney. Also urine test confirmed blood traces.  My gp arranged an  urgent 2 week referral.  I had a cystoscopy 3 weeks ago which has come back clear as far as I know( I phoned the hospital and spoke to a nurse who gave me that bit of info) But I cannot get the fear out of my head that it could be cancer (although it could be something as common as a kidney stone) I am so worried waiting for the results, but my husband just tells me not to be so silly.

  • Hi Birdmad, in my case the issue was a large stone in my kidney which was found with the CT  scan. I was very relieved as I thought the worse. 

    I’m back for x-rays soon to see if it has got bigger or moved. I still get visible blood in my urine every so often which is caused by the stone scratching inside the kidney. 

    I hope everything turns out well for you, try not to worry too much, it’s not easy though!

  • Hi Canoe man, 

    Thankyou so much for your reply. It is the first time I have actually mentioned my worries to anyone (apart from my husband) I know the worst thing I did was go on Google.  I suppose we all pay too much attention to what could be rather than wait for a definite diagnosis. I suppose the only thing I can do is wait and hope for the best. I hope all goes well for you and again, Thankyou for taking the time to reply to my post.