Lump found under left breast, sits directly on ribcage

For the past couple of weeks I’ve felt an uncomfortable sensation underneath my left breast on my ribcage but I’ve either just thought it was the position I was sitting or I had pulled it in the gym, I rarely wear bras and I wore one yesterday and it felt even more uncomfortable than usual. I just thought it may of been my bra morphing into an uncomfortable shape so I wore it again today and it felt even worse than the day before, underneath my breast began to get even more uncomfortable so I began to feel around it and I can feel a large distinct bump directly underneath my breast. It’s not painful but extremely uncomfortable and I find it hard to lie down or sit up without feeling any sort of comfort. The lump feels tender and doesn’t hurt to touch, it’s not necessarily visable but you can feel a large lump. My mum and dad have previously had hernias and they both think it could be that, I’m begging to stress out and panic about it. I’m going to book an appointment with the GP tomorrow. 


    Hi Shola,

    Thank you for the update. I am so sorry to hear of your journey since we last communicated. It sounds as if you have had a pretty awful time. At least you now know what you are dealing with. It is good news that this is benign. Here's hoping that your CT in November will show no change in how the tumour is behaving.

    I do hope that your care team is getting some helpful information from the States and that treatment is successful. In the meanwhile, try to look at the positive aspects of this and not the negative ones. You will find it so much more helpful to cope with if you can look at it in this way.

    I shall certainly be hoping and praying that everything goes to plan.. Do please keep me updated.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi there, my girlfriend is experiencing the same thing, she has a a firm lump under her left breast, it also sits on her left rib cage. She has different size breasts and her left is the smaller of the two. I have read and seen on Tik tok other girls have had the same thing. I don't understand how this is so common but so hard to get help. If anyone can help us find a way to get help it would be deeply appreciated. We're both extremely worried and I just want to be able to help her. If anyone knows what this is called that would be an even greater help.


    her symptoms include:

    •weight loss


    •feeling full after 2-3 bites of food

    •pain in the lump itself

    •difficulty breathing




    •the worst immune system in the world(I'm sure that one single bacteria could knock her out for weeks)


  • Did you find out what the lump was as I have same thing?

  •    what did this turn out to be ? Hopefully all okay, I’ve similar 

  •   did you find out? I’ve got similar :(