Lump found under left breast, sits directly on ribcage

For the past couple of weeks I’ve felt an uncomfortable sensation underneath my left breast on my ribcage but I’ve either just thought it was the position I was sitting or I had pulled it in the gym, I rarely wear bras and I wore one yesterday and it felt even more uncomfortable than usual. I just thought it may of been my bra morphing into an uncomfortable shape so I wore it again today and it felt even worse than the day before, underneath my breast began to get even more uncomfortable so I began to feel around it and I can feel a large distinct bump directly underneath my breast. It’s not painful but extremely uncomfortable and I find it hard to lie down or sit up without feeling any sort of comfort. The lump feels tender and doesn’t hurt to touch, it’s not necessarily visable but you can feel a large lump. My mum and dad have previously had hernias and they both think it could be that, I’m begging to stress out and panic about it. I’m going to book an appointment with the GP tomorrow. 

  • Hey i have the exact same thing and i'm 16, did you ever get it sorted or find out what it is x

  • Hi,

    Thank you to those that commented I hope you are all ok.

    I just found a tender Lump below breast on bra line. It's about little finger length and size. 

    I wonder if it's has something to do with years of wearing under wired bra's?

    At first I was a tad concerned but having read some of your comments I am telling myself not to worry and make an appointment with DR.

    I also looked on the NHS site which mentions Fibroadenoma and Cysts.

    I am overdue for a mammogram so I will take this discovery as harsh reminder.

    I will come back here when I have seen GP.


  • I have the same problem so will wait to hear what you manage to find out. God bless all and hope we all stay well.

  • I have the same so would be interested to hear if you got sorted?

    I have the GP tomorrow :happy:


    Hi Rae,

    A very warm welcome to our forum. Have you managed to see your GP yet?

    I've been thinking of you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx


    Hi Margaretta,

    A warm welcome to our forum. I see that there has been no reply from Rae and wonder what you have decided to do. It is always wise to see your GP with any breast lump to rule out anything untoward. Not all breast lumps are sinister, but it is always better to be safe than sorry.

    Do please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx


    Hi GemRob,

    I hope that all goes well for you tomorrow.

    Please let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Dear Jolamine, 

    Thank you for your thoughts and reply.

    It means a lot.

    I have not managed to get an appt yet.

    I am overdue my Mammogram so I might try to re book and attend to it that way as GP's are so very busy at the moment.

    Are You ok?

    I am new to this so slow at navigating the site etc.

    Mych Lv and thoughts



    Hi Rae,

    I hope that you have your appointment through by now. The GPs are busy at present, but they also stress that they are there for you, especially where there is the slightest possibility of cancer. This is important, as the sooner it is caught the better the outcome usually is.

    Sometimes we have got to be selfish and 'push' to get ourselves looked after as we should be. If you haven't done anything yet, please phone your GP. S/he will probably give you a phone consultation first, but GP's are still at liberty to see you face-to-face if they deem it necessary.

    It can be a bit tricky navigating the site to start with, but you'll soon get used to it. You may find it useful to look at the 'Help using our forum' facility on the left of this page for advice on how to navigate around the site.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi,

    I have discovered a lump/mass under my left breast. I am Male. I am really worried what it can be?

    Recently I have had various scans including PET Scan with tracer and I have been referred to a Hematology Specialist who I have visted and have another consultation in March, she said I have a mass just below my chest area and that she will need to send me for a biopsy to know exactly what it is. She said next appointment would be with Biopsy people but instead she has sent me another appointment with her and I am so concered about the mass she told me about and now I can feel a lump type below my left breast on the ribcage. Any ideas what the lump on the ribcage could be? Also anyone had a mass just below their chest and what it can possibly be? The specialist did say the mass below my chest area is quite deep and they would need to put me to sleep for them to take a biopsy of it. I am worried sick with this new lump/mass under the left breast. I will contact my GP and hopefully get to see them same day or possibly try contact the consultant regarding it. I keep thinking the worst and I am worried sick.

    Any help or advice will be much appreciated.

