Two week referral - Lymph nodes

Hi all,

I am 29 year old and have had two swollen lymph nodes in my neck for a while that I used to dismiss for just swollen glands. Since November I have had unexplained weight loss which has now just stopped at 9.7 stone and extreme fatigue along with nightsweats. I have been back and forth to my GP and now I have been reffered on the two week refferal. I had bloods taken yesterday and now a scan for my lymph nodes  next week (which were also scanned last year). Wasn't expecting to be heading down this trail for suspected cancer and as you can imagine I am now worried sick. The hospital didn't give me any indication as to how long it will take for my blood tests to come back and what next steps are. Has anyone had anyhting similar to this or can advise how long they usually take to get back to you please? Any advice would be most helpful!

Many thansk,


  • Hello Sarah and welcome to Cancer Chat, 

    It won't be long now until you get some answers but it must be an incredibly stressful time for you. I hope your scan goes well next week. I thought I would connect you with [@Concerned2]‍ another member who posted very recently with similar lymph node concerns, night sweats and fatigue. You can read [@Concerned2]‍ 's thread here.

    I hope you won't have to wait long for results and that you find out more very soon about what the next steps might be. Keep us updated if you get a chance!

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hey Sarah,

    I'm in the same boat. I went a month ago for a lump I felt in my neck, a week later I had an US and blood tests. Blood tests were OK but ultrasound said I had four non-reactive lymph nodes measuring around 3mm. 

    Saw a surgeon yesterday privately who said they are now at least 7mm and put me on the two week wait list. I'm being seen next Thursday for a biopsy.

    I have same symptoms as you. Weight loss, night sweats and also i'm constantly tired. Please let me know if you get an update your end!