Hello first time posting here x
I’m 29 and I’d say around two months ago I had a slight ache feeling in my right breast, ignored it just thought it would go away on it’s on, then started to notice aches in right arm so went to docs Wednesday, she had a good feel around and couldn’t feel anything either but my right breast has more veins than the other so still referred me to breast clinic.
Yesterday morning I found a pea size lump just above my armpit, none of us could feel this Wednesday so it’s just appeared! I’m terrified now, obviously spent all weekend googling convincing myself I have the dreaded C, going back to docs tomorrow morning as I should be reffered faster now I’ve found a little lump. I was full of cold a week ago so not sure if this has anything to do with the lump but it’s the aches in my arm etc that concern me.
Anyone had similar experience? I have no history of BC in the family either x