Lump above collar bone and waiting for results... UPDATED

Hi Everyone

Just after some advice really (and maybe a virtual hug or two - feeling a bit overwhelmed)

I've had a lump above my collar bone for at least 18 months (don't know exactly when it appeared but I have various lipomas and just brushed it off as the same at the time) it got really hard and more prominent just before christmas so I emailed the Dr to see whether it was worth making an appt to get it checked out. Got a call back the next day and referred straight to ENT. I saw ENT on the 19th - camera up my nose and checked the lump out. He referred me for a ultrasound and biopsy as he was concerned it could be linked to something in my abdomen. Had the biopsy last Wednesday (lovely 40th birthday treat for me lol - they did wish me a happy birthday). I have my follow up booked in for the 4th but I'm losing the plot waiting now. The ultrasound guy said that there was a 10% chance that the lump was 'normal' and while he was doing the biopsy was talking about lymphoma and how treatable it was with chemo - just now he's sown that seed in my mind it's hard to focus on anything else. Doesn't help I started my new job last week too - my new boss has been fab though which was a relief.

Can they really tell what it is likely to be from ultrasound? Anyone had the results before the follow up appointment or have I just got to suck it up and put my patient pants on?!

  • Thankyou

    I had a call this morning - pre assessment on Friday and biopsy pencilled in for next Wednesday


  • Well I went for my core biopsy this morning - hope they got a big enough sample this time as I really don't want to go through that again lol. 

    I didn't feel the needle at all thanks to the local anaesthetic but as soon as he went to get the sample the pain on my arm was excruciating! He did say that because of the pain that the lump may be on a nerve instead of the lymph node - now I'm really confused :confused:

    Roll on Tuesday when I hopefully find out what's going on!

  • Finally got the results and it's a benign schwannoma not lymphoma

    They are going to leave it as it is so that's me discharged!

    Relief is unreal

  • I'm going through the same at the moment My x ray was clear i'm waiting on a CT scan my lump is the size of bing bong ball I'm very worried about this I'm just wondering have you any advice for me thank you 

  • Hi a I have a lump on bothe sides of my collar bone went to tnt and had a ultrasound scan and they said it here  was nothing wrong.Told me first it was lymph node cancer still have them 5 weeks down the line and still feel rotten still not so shore there the size of a tennis ball. Hope everything goes well for you 

  • Hey, 


    Hope you are all well!! And I am wishing you all the best. 

    I have been doing some research and keep landing on this forum so I have decided to join. 

    I am 27 year old and 2 years ago (3 this October) I found a lump on collar bone. I saw a doctor who sent me for a scan. Now when I laying down with my arms flat it felt smaller. The scan showed under 1cm so I was unable to have any further test. 

    Two weeks ago I noticed it is a lot bigger. I'm am now worried as I have suffered with acid reflux, hardly any appite and a few other things which has gone on for a few years and it's has  never been solved. Recently I feel tied, lost a bit of weight and mum keeps telling me I look pale and healthy. 

    Am I worrying over nothing ? Should I ask for another scan? I feel like I am wasting their time ! 

    any advise would be appreciated. 

  • Hi there 

    i am going through the same thing. I only noticed the lump because it was showing through my T shirt ( first warm day for a while) I have my X Ray this Monday 26/4/21. When I first noticed it it felt like a boney growth but the dr put a torch on it and said it's translucent. The lump has got bigger but feels more fluid around outside. Mine is right sided. Can anyone tell me what the X Ray results will provide as I've been in a bit of a daze since I found it. I'm male and 52 if that has any bearing on the situation. Hope everyone going through this is getting happy positive news. 

  • Hi, 

    I'm experiencing the same, have you had any tests done?

    I've just turned 26 and female and I've had mine for a year and it's gradually gotten bigger, mine is on the right side and feels really hard and painless but I also have really bad acid reflux and haven't eaten in 2 months also passing blood in stool and low blood sugar as well as vomiting every day.. the doctor only offered me a chest X-ray (which I was told in the hospital is a waste of time due to it not being visible as a chest X-ray is too low) I've been to a&e twice and called an ambulance once (just 2 days ago) due to the pains in stomach and abdomen but they told me my GP needs to arrange everything for me. I've also lost 3kg since I seen the doctor 3 weeks ago and 8kg in total over 2 months. 

    Expecting call from doctor tomorrow hopefully he will refer me for tests this time. 

  • Hi there 

    i am really sorry to hear you are going through this as well. The only symptom I have is the hard lump on the end of my right collarbone next to my sternum. I had an X-ray done on Monday and will get the results from that in a fortnight. They said at the hospital I will maybe get a referral for an ultrasound depending on the results of the X-ray. I hope you get some positive news from your Dr tomorrow and things start getting sorted for you. Let us know how you get on with your Dr.
    Best wishes 



  • Hi I cant seem to reply to the original post but maybe as its an old post , i have a lump on my left collarbone, it doesnt hurt but delevoped about two months ago and seems to be growing, i have attempted a couple of times to get into GP but unfortunately keep missing the available appointments and im possibly avoiding it also, but im going to try again in the morning, im worried because the evidence ive read about says that the lumps not to worry about are painful and pea sized ones  but mine isnt causing any pain and is gradually getting bigger. I hope your results come through ok

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