Marble lump in neck

Okay so ...

I’ve become a bit concerned about a small marble like lump that I found at the back of the top of my neck a few months ago. It is still there, I’m not sure if it’s got larger or not. I can notice it more easily now when feeling for it but that’s probably just because I’m aware of it being there. 

I was sent to A&E earlier this week because I was having pain in my ribs and the doctor wanted to get me checked out for a blood clot in my lungs. Luckily everything was okay. I had a load of bloods done, 2 ECG’s and a chest X-ray which all came back clear. 

The lump doesn’t feel tender at all and I haven’t really experienced any other symptoms along with it that I think could really be related. The hospital said that my bloods were pristine and I had no sign of infection. I’m 19, and otherwise generally healthy.  

I’m just a bit worried that this lump is all quite out of the blue and is fully characteristic of as a potential symptoms for lymphoma or leukaemia?

Is it possible for something like that to go missed within blood results or not show up?

If anyone could shed some like or their own experiences I’d very much appreciate it.


  • Hello Emma,

    I think the best thing to do to put your mind at ease about what this lump might be is to show it to your doctor if you haven't done it already. Your GP will be in the best position to examine it and tell you more about it.

    Try not to read too much online as this will inevitably make you expect the worst or draw the most unlikely conclusions. So the best thing to do is to go and see your doctor - do mention that you have been to A and E recently and that your bloods are fine.

    Best of luck for your appointment and let us know what the doctor says if you get a chance!

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator