Multiple lymph nodes in neck


just wondering if anyone has been through or is currently going through this, I have about 4 enlarged lymph nodes in my neck that I know of , from what I can feel the one on the left side of my neck Beneath my ear is around 2cm firm but not rock hard and not moveable , I have 2 pea sized moveable ones and one grape size moveable one . I have had them that I know of around about 2 years with no change is size, I went to the doctors a couple of months ago and she said it was because of my acne (which I have had untreated for 5 years) so she changed my pill and that has really cleared up my acne but the lymph nodes still persist with no change? I am going back to the doctors tomorrow as they are worrying and if you couldn't already tell I have severe health anxiety , is it true that lymph nodes can just stay permanently enlarged after infection ps. I have had no weight loss, night sweats or anything just a little tiredness as I have been iron deficient , overalls feel fine apart from this anxiety taking over my life

I would really appreciate and comments thank you xx


  • They didn't say anything at all the receptionist just called saying one needed to be repeated and it's really worried me!

  • Hi I found a pea size lump in the same area as you, I went to doctors within 2 days as I worry and don't like to leave it. She checked my neck, told me not to worry and sent me for ultrasound, within 4 weeks I had scan and the scan man can't think of the word. Said he couldn't see anything sinister, within 2 days doctor rang to say I had to have biopsy on my thyroid, obviously I just *** myself but like a lot of people I straight away thought cancer. I'm now waiting for biopsy to happen.

    I have done a lot of research and to be honest I'm less worried now I have had time to think and read about it is a rare cancer and people to go on to have normal lives but I was always taught that all the worry in the world won't make it go away. Just be positive and ask for that scan it's your right it's your body and please don't worry because you could make yourself ill and it would be for nothing.

    good luck to all of you and

  • Hi all,

    im in a pretty similar situation as the rest of you. I have what I think is a swollen tonsillur lymph node (under corner of my jaw left side), I've been obsessed with it for the last 3 months when I found it. It's hard to feel I need to push quite hard to feel it and doctors always struggle to find it when I go for an appointment. I was referred to ent as an emergency last month, had the camera and also an ultrasound the following week. The ultrasound showed that I had a benign lymph node and I was free to go, I was really happy and left the hospital. 4 weeks later it's still there and I'm becoming obsessed again, it's still hard to feel and the same size (sometimes feels like a marble other times like a grape!). I've also been having night sweats like every night although I have suffered with these for years! I'm going for another doctors app on the 27th so I'll keep everyone informed. I forgot to mention I had blood tests and everything came back clear.


    sam x

  • Hi everyone. 

    Been reading through all these posts and wanted to add my situation. About 5 weeks ago I found a lump in my neck on the right side at the back. Went to docs straight away and she said she didn't think it was much to worry about. Did bloods. She said white blood count was slightly low so I was probably fighting off a virus. 

    Since then the lump has gone down a little but not gone. And I of course have been in major panic mode since. Last night I was having a feel around and have now found two really small nodes alongmy collar bone and the base of my neck. Smaller than a pea. I reckon about 5mm. I've got no other symptoms to really speak about. I'm always tired but then I hardly sleep. 

    Should I be worried? I suffer from major health anxiety so doc has referred me for a scan but as she said 'not because she is worried but to set my mind at rest'. 

    but I can't help thinking she's doing it because she thinks something is wrong and she doesn't want to panic me. 


  • Hey guys, wondering if anyone had any thoughts on my situation. 

    Had a lymph node on the left of my neck swell when i had my first covid vaccine, then go mostly down, then swell again once i had my second. I think it has gone down a bit again, but a tiny second one has appeared just below this swollen one. You can only get to it if you press really hard, but I'm worried it'll grow in size. 

    At the same time I've got some sort of lump in front of my left ear which I saw a doctor about. He didn't seem overly concerned but has booked me in for an ultrasound. 

    The two on my neck seem to definitely just be a reaction to the vaccine, but the second one showing up does concern me a little. The one on my face is the worrying one as it feels pretty hard, seems to change size (without ever getting particularly big) over the course of the day and I can't really find anyone complaining of the same issue anywhere on the internet. I have no other symptoms aside from occasional night sweats, but that is pretty normal for me. 

    Has anyone had this small, hard lump in front of their ear before? Any other reassuring thoughts on my situation? 
