Multiple lymph nodes in neck


just wondering if anyone has been through or is currently going through this, I have about 4 enlarged lymph nodes in my neck that I know of , from what I can feel the one on the left side of my neck Beneath my ear is around 2cm firm but not rock hard and not moveable , I have 2 pea sized moveable ones and one grape size moveable one . I have had them that I know of around about 2 years with no change is size, I went to the doctors a couple of months ago and she said it was because of my acne (which I have had untreated for 5 years) so she changed my pill and that has really cleared up my acne but the lymph nodes still persist with no change? I am going back to the doctors tomorrow as they are worrying and if you couldn't already tell I have severe health anxiety , is it true that lymph nodes can just stay permanently enlarged after infection ps. I have had no weight loss, night sweats or anything just a little tiredness as I have been iron deficient , overalls feel fine apart from this anxiety taking over my life

I would really appreciate and comments thank you xx


  • Hi, I've had lymphoma and had treatment for it. Unfortunately mine came back after treatment but it's just a small pea sized lump which I'm glad has not got any bigger. I think if they are small they won't do any treatment on them at this size, but I am now on watch and wait. If you are worried you should ask for an ultrasound and tell them you are worried. I would also check under your arm as well, I didn't know I had an enlarged lymph node under there till the doctor told me.. My ct scan showed I had them at side of my lungs as well. At the moment I am only graded as stage two and they don't usually do treatment till it gets worse. It's a lot different than other cancers. Check your groin area as well, these are the things they check when I go to the hospital although I havnt been since December but I do check these areas myself. I've also got no "B" symptoms, again this is a good sign. I had everything the first time round. My GP checked me the first time and referred me urgently to ENT. I hopefully think doctors would be able to tell which lumps are more worrying. Lymph nodes go up and down, my first lump got bigger and bigger before I went to the doctor, it went down a little though before my treatment. A biopsy is the only way they can tell if it's lymphoma but even the ultrasound can tell them if it's a reactive node or if it's more sinister they will do a biopsy. Please go back to your doctor if you are really worried.

  • Hi Scones , Thank you for your reply....yes I was reading your other reply’s to other people I seen that you have been a big help, I have none in my groin that I can feel or my armpits. Literly is just them 1 under my chin 1 in my neck..I have a lump on the side of my neck that moves around I had a scan on that with no biopsy the scan reveald it was benign. The one under my chin I’m concerned about I have no other symptoms with it and it hasn’t grown In size I feel really healthy. Its litterly is like a pea to. Noway they can not give you treatment if it’s small. I’m only 27 My bloods came back fine to I’m guessing that is a good sighn , my g.p looked and she didn’t seem concerned either Can lymph nodes stay hard and not move and just be lymph nodes with nothing else serious??? Yes I’m going to go back next Tuesday...

  • Hi, I'm not sure if they can stay hard, mine does but I've had a biopsy on it when the doctor found it six weeks after my treatment, it was the same kind of lymphoma and it's a slow growing one. I guess the treatment didn't kill all of it although my ct scan at the time showed it was all clear. The other thing she did was to send me for an X-ray which also showed it back in my lungs. The thing is I've experienced being quite ill, losing weight, night sweats and had no appetite, so I'm happy that I don't have those symptoms and there is no treatment just now, but again you have to vigilant that it could turn aggressive and that's a different ball game. I'm hoping I get a ct scan when I get to see my haematologist in September that's if it isn't cancelled. Try not to worry I'm sure if your doctor is happy with it, it should be ok. At the same time keep checking yourself, doctors do get it wrong and without proper biopsy they can't tell. When you get diagnosed it's a team of doctors that decide when treatment is my case my haematologist told me they decided it was too soon for more treatment which I was delighted, you have to put your trust in them but at the beginning it was hard to live with. Take care, I hope your doctors can help you with this.

  • Hey scones,, I really hope this goes okay for you you seem very calm but I guess you have been threw the worst of it I’ve seen others on here go for a scan and not need a biopsy and they are fine. I doo check it everyday it isn’t getting any bigger atall it’s so small it’s literally rite in the center under my chin. I can only feel it when I push in you Carnt see it other wise. It’s more scary because I never check that bit of my chin probley  like thousands of others don’t I I keep thinking if I’ve had it for a long time it would of grown. I’ve been suffering with pleurisy I do have asthma, now I’m thinking is it all related, it’s crazy what the mind can do to you I’m going to back to the doctors and ask for a scan,, I can not think what else the lump could be that would be like this though. I hope you get better darling your a helpfull person X 

  • I have a sold hard lump just below my left ear I can only feel it when I open my mouth I've been on antibiotics for 10 days now swelling has went down a bit but lump is still there any ideas

  • Hi, it could be that your gland is doing what it should do to fight off infection. It swells when you are fighting infection, it sometimes takes weeks to go back to normal. I would only say that if you are still worried after a while go back and say to your GP. You should still be able to feel it when your mouth is closed, mine never goes away. Definitely get it checked out if you are worried though. Take care x

  • Hi, I hope everything's going well with you! I've been reading this chain and you've been so helpful to everyone. I wanted to speak to you about my situation. I've been able to feel my glands for years, about 6 in my neck and 2 in my groin - same on both sides. I had them checked when I was younger and was dismissed but wanted them checked again as they've never gone done. Doctor did bloods and referred me for ultrasound. I had a call today saying they needed to repeat the bloods but didn't tell me why. I'm really worried now. I wake up most mornings with a sore throat and during the day when I swallow it feels like a lump in the back of my throat. Have you got any advice?! 
    Thank You! 

  • I'm sorry I don't but don't be to alarmed about repeat bloods.  Have you had the ultrasound yet? 

  • Not yet haven't even got the appointment yet xx

  • Did you ask what bloods were abnormal for them to repeat? Pls let us know how you get on. My nodes were all reactive and have nodules on my thyroid which I only recently found out from my gp. They didn't tell me