Multiple lymph nodes in neck


just wondering if anyone has been through or is currently going through this, I have about 4 enlarged lymph nodes in my neck that I know of , from what I can feel the one on the left side of my neck Beneath my ear is around 2cm firm but not rock hard and not moveable , I have 2 pea sized moveable ones and one grape size moveable one . I have had them that I know of around about 2 years with no change is size, I went to the doctors a couple of months ago and she said it was because of my acne (which I have had untreated for 5 years) so she changed my pill and that has really cleared up my acne but the lymph nodes still persist with no change? I am going back to the doctors tomorrow as they are worrying and if you couldn't already tell I have severe health anxiety , is it true that lymph nodes can just stay permanently enlarged after infection ps. I have had no weight loss, night sweats or anything just a little tiredness as I have been iron deficient , overalls feel fine apart from this anxiety taking over my life

I would really appreciate and comments thank you xx


  • Hi.Ive not been well for 4mts cough bad throat etc had  heart scan chest scan had chest infection. That went then had pleurisy that went still poorly sent for lung cancer scan that came back clear but noticed a lump in my neck.1cm had that checked was told thyroid was enlarged  still poorly went hospital for a scan and biopsy but biospy not needed.4 lumps there now instead of one and the lumps on my collar bone are associated to problems with breast ..So waiting for boob scan now so there saying its not thyroid causing the problem .x


  • Hi there 

    I have been reading posts for ages like this so thought I would tell my story so far. I developed a small pea size node behind my right ear in Dec I was sent for an urgent referral to ENT as I was feeling very lethargic too. I had a camera up my nose and into my throat and all was ok and was told as the node was tiny he suspected nothing. I have raised esr and crp markers in my blood and have done for several years which I have now been referred to rheumatology for as they suspect an auto immune condition with me. Since lockdown I noticed a bigger node in my neck on the left side. I haven't had any known infections or virus'. It's moveable soft to touch but it's bigger but some days feels smaller than others. I'd say it was 2cm maybe smaller on other days. I rang the doctor and have been referred for an urgent ultrasound. This was done on the 1st April but due to lockdown haven't been seen as of yet. Since then I have another three tiny nodes develop at the side of the bigger one. I have had a achey throat off and on since Xmas but not have developed a chesty cough however my daughter's has had one so I do suspect it's just that. I am just concerned it's something sinister although I have come to thinking that no amount of worrying will change or help my situation. I do have health anxiety too and rely heavily on Dr Google to self diagnose myself which is my downfall. All I want is the relevant tests to out rule cancer but it's very difficult at this time. I just don't understand why some days it's bigger than others but don't think it's grown much in the time I've detected it. I have a multitude of aches and pains all over my body but again due to sensitivity points I'm questioning if I have fibro or an auto immune condition. I have also has a raises rheumatoid factor result too. My worries have affected my day to day life and have found myself pushing my loved one away which isn't good. I am 37 a mother to three one being autistic so I'm very much needed and I just want to know what wrong with me so I can either get treated or move on without being in this awful limbo I am in. 

    Sorry for the long post like I say I have read these posts for a long time so thought I'd share my story 


  • Hi,sorry to hear you have all this going on, it is a worrying time but more so with the pandemic. I could have written your post as mine started very similar to yours. I have a very high rheumatoid factor in my bloods and since that I have been attending rheumatologist for seven years now. Have had every test, seven years down the line with aches and pains, weird inflammation around my head, lungs etc. I was diagnosed with a mixed connective tissue disease. I take medication to control it. When I had a large lump on my neck I thought it was an autoimmune problem again but I also had drenching night sweats, was losing weight, kept feeling full after only eating a tiny amount. Fatigue was off the scale. My doc sent me to ENT, had the camera down the nose, I had almost no saliva in my mouth which is caused by my MCTD. Everything looked ok but he sent me for an ultrasound and biopsy which showed lymphoma. The lump was hard and didn't move, it wasn't painful. After further testing ct scans, bone marrow etc, they decided to give me chemo. This is a decision made by a team of people, it was 3 months after my initial visit to doctor all this happened. A lot of lymphomas just go on watch and wait as I am  now on just now as my lymphoma came back. It's just a pea size and I have no B symptoms so I hope it continues like this for a long time. Remember your glands go up and down which is normal when you are fighting infection. My lump is still pea size now and it's been 18 months since my treatment finished. What I'm trying to say is they won't treat lymphoma if it's just one tiny lump, I had enlarged lymph nodes in my neck, lungs, kidneys and stomach. Try not to worry, which probably you won't. The ultrasound would prob show if anything is wrong and if they are worried they will proceed to a biopsy, I hope you don't have too long to wait. It sound a bit like auto immune to me but again I'm not a doctor just going on my own personal experience. Good luck and best wishes. X

  • Thank you for your response. How old are you if you don't mind me asking. Must be awful for you to know it's returned. I have a painful left arm too but my right is also tender just not as bad I am sensitive in so many places. I don't have night sweats or weight loss just achey throat off and on. Just want to know what happening. This lympnode is a good size in my neck 

    Thanks again 

  • Mind is painful and hurts often when u turn my head and moved around 

    Thanks again 

  • On one of my visits to my haematologist who I see every 3 months, I did say to her that my neck is a bit sensitive, her answer was pain is good, lymphomas are not painful, she asked if I had a sore throat which I did at the time. That did relieve me a bit so maybe that's a good thing for you as it  may be your glands are doing a bit of overtime. Forgot to say, I did have a biopsy under my arm as well which I didn't know I had a lump there. Keep your eye on it to see if it comes and goes. I get fully checked when I go to the hospital, she checks all round my neck, my underarms, stomach and groin. The ct scan shows the staging of the lymphoma. 

  • Oh I was 65 when diagnosed, the majority of people in getting treatment when I went were in this older range. I have my fingers crossed for you 

  • Thank you didn't think glands could be felt in stomach ?? How was chemo for you? Life is hard isn't it :(

  • Was it non hodkins or Hodgkin's you were diagnosed with if you don't mind me asking. Just waiting for gp to call me as the hospital said the only way I'll be seen quicker is if ny doctor Calls them

  • Hi, I coped with chemo very well, just took it one month at a time, the medication they give you now help a lot. I had non Hodgkin and it was a rare form call Nodal Marginal Zone Lymphoma, the biopsy tells them which kind you have, there are many different types of lymphoma and they are treated slightly differently. The ct shows exactly where the enlarged nodes are, I was shocked to find it was all over me at the time and I think that why they decided to give me treatment. At the moment I am stage two and no treatment is needed at the moment. It very difficult to get your head round living with cancer but once you can accept it, it gets easier. I do get anxious going for my check ups but I feel better leaving the hospital. My appointment has just been cancelled and the call I got said I would get one in six months time which will make it 9 months since I've seen the doctor. It did worry me a bit, but as long I don't have the other symptoms I will cope with it. You are young try not to worry and just enjoy your children in this difficult time. I hope I havnt worried you more than you already are. I am a total wimp with illnesses but I got through this and I'm sure you will. The tests and waiting are the worst bit. But it may be nothing, just keep that in your head. Enjoy the sunshine xx