HPV positive but normal cell result

Hi all

I had my first smear in December 2018 since turning 25. Results came back as no abnormal cells but HPV positive. This was a shock as I didn’t even know what it was and the letter didn’t mention risk type or strain just said for me to go back for a smear in 12 months. 

I phoned my gp and she said they only test for high risk so it is a high risk strain but she didn’t have info on what one... she told me not to worry but I can’t help it  

I had the HPV jab in secondary school so I’m hoping that worked at preventing the 2 strains it is meant to! 

Im concerned at how long I may have had HPV considering it’s my first smear and I’ve been sexually active for some time. I don’t have the best immune system and was recently on antibiotics for 2 months for strep throat which I think made my immune system even weaker during the winter months. I have also had a partner of 4 years and was worried about infidelaity but have been assured HPV can lay dormant for years. 

My main worry is that a year is too long to wait but appreciate it takes the body a while to fight off. I suppose if it was serious I would have been called back for further tests but the internets information is extremely conflicting :( 

The fact it’s sexually transmitted makes me feel so dirty. I have always been extremely careful. 

  • Hello,

    JoCol, I wanted to ask you, are your cells still normal in your last results? I am 44 years old and just had my first results that turned HPV positive / no abnormal cells, . In the past I had smear test every year  for years through a private gynecologist and cells were always normal, but the test for the virus wasnt done, only citology.I try to keep positive as cells are normal and it might take your body a couple of years to get rid of it.I think also that as I have gone through a lot the last months my immunology system probably was much weaker. 

    We are all in same boat. Let's keep positive. 

    Best wishes

  • Hey,

    Did you ever get an answer for this? 

    I already have one little boy, been with my boyfriend for 8 years and had my test come back hpv positive but no abnormal cells. Literally freaked out and accused him of cheating Now I know it can be dormant which has mad me panic that i've had it ages already. Got my second test Feb 2022 but was planning to try for baby #2 this September so I could be pretty pregnant when i'm meant to get re-tested. Panicking now that I should wait until i'm all clear before trying Keep freaking out and googling, then I forget for a couple weeks. Just want answers or proper information. xx

  • Hi ladies 


    I just got the results back from my smear. I was pretty concerned to have a call back from the nurse at the surgery I had my smear. She said that my test was inadequate which meant they had too few cells in order to fully complete it but mentioned positive for HPV. 

    I am 51 years old and it threw me which I felt very naive to ask what does this mean? She didn't really explain it properly to me but said not to worry and that I need to go back in 3 months to get another smear. I have been googling ever since and I am so glad to have found this forum. Thank you thank you thank uou!!!  I have read so many of you are in the same position.  I have been dealing with the worse sore throat and cold for the last two weeks and so have my kids since returned back to school since lockdown. I believe my immune system is down and this might be why it had been detected. But then I wonder if I've always had it as I was surprised to read that they only started testing for it 2 years ago!!!! Maybe I've always had it?!!!!! . What an awful thought. Makes me sad. 

    I spoke to my sister who is a nurse because sadly when I rang the doctors back asking if the nurse could ring me back and explain more I was told no she can't ring you foe two days which made me so anxious. So I spoke ro my sister who used to work with smears and she assured me that it is so so common and it exists in everyday situations. It can be found even on kids skins. It's a very common virus. It can come and go and it doesn't always cause abnormal cells and cancer. She said that in ladies under 30 they can get it and then it can go because their immune system fights it so quick. It's like a circle. It comes and goes. It's like a cycle. With some. Over 30 they are seen as higher risk something to do with immunity etc and so that's why they are screened more but even then it doesn't mean it's going to stay. 

    I am waiting to go back to have my next smear and I hope it will not be inadequate next time and enough cells to tell me what I need. But like the other girl on here that said it is good that even if they do find something we are on the radar now and they will closely monitor us! If anything changes and cells go abnormal at least we will be in a good position to get treated soon! We are in good hands. 

    I will let you know the result of my next smear. I was found to go private but my sister said no they are right and you should wait 3 months because it takes 3 months for the cells to grow and multiply. 

  • Hi,

    can I ask what probiotics and vitamins you was taking please as I'm in the same position thanks x

  • Hi there

    I've posted on this thread before and being a similar age to you (53) I'm also wondering if I've had HPV for years but because my smears always came back normal, I wouldn't have known.  My last two smears (Feb 20 and Mar 21) were HPV positive but no abnormal cells.  I'm trying to be upbeat and if I still have HPV next year or if anything suspicious is found, I feel reassured that it will be dealt with quickly, at an early stage.  As the weeks go by, I'm not thinking about it as much, just getting on with life :happy::happy:

  • Hello,


    sorry to hear what you've been going through but I'm the same. I've tested positive for HPV this week, smear cells all normal. Re-test in one year. 
    I've only had two sexual partners, one when I was 18 and the other is now my husband. He's only had one and that was me. It's made me feel so awkward. I'm 44 years old now, and I also have an auto immune disease so that is concerning me that my immune system isn't very strong. 

  • Hi everyone, had my 2nd smear today the nurse said I'll get my results within 2-3 weeks I'm just hoping & praying that I get the all clear my previous smear was hpv no abnormal cells which was good but hopefully I get the all clear I'm just trying my hardest to stay positive x

  • HPV positive result but no abnormal cells what does this mean so worried

  • Hi Jadiie

    HPV is a virus which most people who are sexually active will have come into contact with as it’s spread by skin skin genital contact. It can cause changes to the cells of the cervix, which make them abnormal, but that hasn’t happened in your case which is great news! 

    You will be seen in a year,usually, for another smear test to see if the HPV is still present. Careful monitoring like this ensures that if there are any changes to the cells in the future they are picked up quickly. You have absolutely nothing to worry about.

  • Thankyou very much for your help