HPV positive but normal cell result

Hi all

I had my first smear in December 2018 since turning 25. Results came back as no abnormal cells but HPV positive. This was a shock as I didn’t even know what it was and the letter didn’t mention risk type or strain just said for me to go back for a smear in 12 months. 

I phoned my gp and she said they only test for high risk so it is a high risk strain but she didn’t have info on what one... she told me not to worry but I can’t help it  

I had the HPV jab in secondary school so I’m hoping that worked at preventing the 2 strains it is meant to! 

Im concerned at how long I may have had HPV considering it’s my first smear and I’ve been sexually active for some time. I don’t have the best immune system and was recently on antibiotics for 2 months for strep throat which I think made my immune system even weaker during the winter months. I have also had a partner of 4 years and was worried about infidelaity but have been assured HPV can lay dormant for years. 

My main worry is that a year is too long to wait but appreciate it takes the body a while to fight off. I suppose if it was serious I would have been called back for further tests but the internets information is extremely conflicting :( 

The fact it’s sexually transmitted makes me feel so dirty. I have always been extremely careful. 

  • Hi JoCol, I'm 53 and in exactly the same position as you.  Tested positive in April 2020 for HPV/no abnormal cells and expected or should I say hoped for a negative result this year.  Just got my results letter today and I've tested positive again.  I'm really worried.  May I ask what the nurse said to you?  

  • Hello!


    Can i ask what multivitamins and probiotics have you been taking? Do you think they are helping?


    Thank you


    B x

  • Hey Everyone!

    Ive recently had my first smear and had the results on Friday (my 25th birthday) which are HPV positive with no abnormalities.

    This forum really has helped calm some concerns and almost as if there is a bit of a hope that you can clear it.

    Ive been with my husband for over 4 years and he was not by any means sexually active with any previous girlfriends. I on the other hand was but always careful - or so i thought.

    I have been taking antibiotics on and off since Christmas, so its interesting to read that so many of you have experienced positive results shortly after any form of antibiotics have been taken.

    I take daily medication for a condition called IIH - Intracranial Hypertension and have recently come off the pill which i was on for about 12 years.

    Im overweight, im active in work but any down time i do enjoy just chilling.

    Has anyone massively changed their lifestyle or eating habits? If so what have you done?

    And has anyone had any luck taking probiotics and multivitamins? If so, what ones have you taken?


    Sorry for the questions, but i really do feel like im not getting any answers through the GP and when im looking on google more or less every answer is to do with the big C.

    Im anxious, worried, scared to be honest. Ive never known anyone that has disclosed they had HPV, and i feel so alone. My husband is here for me, and we had started trying to conceive but i almost feel like we cant until im able to clear this.

    B x

  • Hello to everyone in this post! 
    I'm in the same position as so many of you. Had my first smear a few months ago, finally got the results Friday and was told I was HPV positive but no abnormal cells. 

    Because I had the HPV vaccine at 17 I was really shocked. I hadn't expected it at all and it's completely thrown me. I've been driving myself mad trying to weigh up the likelihood of when I got it and from who to work out how persistent it is in my case. I'm really hoping it's from my current partner who I've been with almost a year as that gives me hope I could still be in the 70% of people who clear it within 1 year.. 

    I'm now just completely focused on doing whatever I can to clear the virus. I've bought some vitamins and gonna try and get healthier. 

    I was wondering if anyone else has come off the pill following their diagnosis? The nurse I spoke to tried to talk me out of it and said that wasn't necessary but I know it increases the risk of cervical cancer and I found studies online which said combined pill use is associated with persistent HPV infection. It wouldn't be massively convenient to come off the pill and find other contraception that works for me but it doesn't feel worth the risk continuing with it at the moment! 

  • Hello!

    I personally havent come off the pill for this reason, however i have read that some people have come off and have changed the diagnosis!

    Out of interest what pill are you on? Ive been on microginon in the past and more recently cerelle. Ive been off the pill for roughly 2 months with absolutely no spotting/period since. 

  • Hey, I'm in a similar boat as everyone on this thread sorry if I am just replying randomly (‍♀️) 

    I think I've just had either my 2 or 3 smear test (can't keep track!!) I have been with my partner for 13 years we are married with 2 children and my lastest smear came back no abnormal cells but HPV positive and oh my god I am stressing out! Where has it come from? And surely I'd like they say it can clear within 2 years does this mean I have caught it recently? Or have I had it the whole time we have been Togther? Could it possible lay dormant for all that time?! If so why do I have it now? He swears blind that he has not had any other sexual encounters and I believe him! But this is really messing with my mind and making me so anxious  is anyone in a similar position ? Thanks xxx

  • Hi! 

    I haven't been in a relationship for the same length of time (6 years), but I'm having the same worry! My last screening in 2018 was totally fine, although I believe they hadn't started testing for hpv then so I'm also concerned that I might have had this for years and my body hasn't cleared it. I'm not sure what the chances are of that happening though so hopefully someone on this thread might know. I think the virus can lay dormant and when your immune system is down it can become active... Ive had a child in the last two years so I guess sleep deprivation could have activated mine but its so hard not knowing isn't it:( xx

  • Hi, 

    yes I was told the same too I think they have only recently rolled out the screening program for HPV (2018-2020) I'm the same here I had my second child in 2019 so sleep deprivation again could have activated it for me too. I driving myself crazy Googling every posibility! I asked my doc and she couldn't really give me any answers which made me feel worse - she did say not to worry but it's easier said than done. :( 

    Like you say hopefully someone in this thread knows a little more xx

  • Hi all,

    I was in a similar situation - when I had my smear I hadn't been with anyone for over a year and I was worried that I'd had the virus for the whole of that period and hadn't cleared it! That may not necessarily be true, as it lays dormant. I was fuming when I read I had to come back within a year because it's such a long time and I was worried in case anything would develop within that time. I feel like there's not an excessive amount of information regarding it, I hadn't even heard of it beforehand so it definitely increases the fear. I was so upset and panicked for a couple of weeks after but honestly now I don't even think about it. Even if my friends have their smear and they come back all clear, the virus may not even be activated at that moment. It seems to be something that we can't avoid and I think it is much more common than we realised. The reality is, if we had the smear before this particular testing, we would have came back all clear and our next one wouldn't be due for another 5 years. So there are a lot of women that have the virus that wouldn't even know, which makes us feel like only a small percentage when in reality i think it's much larger than we anticipate. Try not to stress about it, as stress will only weaken the immune system and activate the virus, I know it's easier said then done but you want to live peacefully for the year and not in fear. My next smear is coming up around August/September time so I will keep you updated with how I get on x 

  • Hi Guys,

    I've recently found out I have HVP with no abnormal cells and feel the same as alot of people on this forum. Very upset, can't stop googling information even though I never seem to get any clear answers. 

    I'm 28 and have never heard of it or been tested for it on previous smears. 

    I feel like because I'm late 20s it will have been in my system for along time even though there's no way to know.

    I'm currently single and was wondering how everyone feels about telling new partners about this and if they would even bother? Does anyone know if the strains that are tested for during a smear cause genital warts? I feel like if I start seeing someone and tell them about HVP before we get intimate they'd run a mile as soon as they Google it and genital warts come up even though I've never had any before. 

    So frustrating we have to wait another year to see if it has cleared.

    Thanks, so glad I found this page X