HPV positive but normal cell result

Hi all

I had my first smear in December 2018 since turning 25. Results came back as no abnormal cells but HPV positive. This was a shock as I didn’t even know what it was and the letter didn’t mention risk type or strain just said for me to go back for a smear in 12 months. 

I phoned my gp and she said they only test for high risk so it is a high risk strain but she didn’t have info on what one... she told me not to worry but I can’t help it  

I had the HPV jab in secondary school so I’m hoping that worked at preventing the 2 strains it is meant to! 

Im concerned at how long I may have had HPV considering it’s my first smear and I’ve been sexually active for some time. I don’t have the best immune system and was recently on antibiotics for 2 months for strep throat which I think made my immune system even weaker during the winter months. I have also had a partner of 4 years and was worried about infidelaity but have been assured HPV can lay dormant for years. 

My main worry is that a year is too long to wait but appreciate it takes the body a while to fight off. I suppose if it was serious I would have been called back for further tests but the internets information is extremely conflicting :( 

The fact it’s sexually transmitted makes me feel so dirty. I have always been extremely careful. 

  • Helloo , so I've had my first smear on the 4th January this year and I've had a phone call from my doctors this morning got to say I'm positive HPV too but they didn't say about my cells being abnormal. I'm worried as they said I've not got to have another smear until a year but I may need a camera to investigate further. 
    I also had my HPV vaccine in secondary school to! I'm 24 and not 25 until may and they sent the letter out before Christmas and I'm glad I booked in when I did.

    I haven't been sexually active for nearly 2 years now so god knows how I've got it but it makes me feel dirty to!

    also the smear was very uncomfortable? Was it for you? As they struggled to see my cervix and had to sit on my hands etc.


  • Hi all

    I have only just seen all these reply's, it seems the HPV testing is definitely increasing! I've read that still not all areas of the UK test in this way yet. It's normal to worry, I worried myself sick but you do have to look at the positives. 

    1. anyone you know who's had abnormal cells before would have also had HPV they could just never test for it as a test didn't exist until 2014 

    2. if you have HPV and no abnormal cells it's pretty much the next best thing to a totally clear report I believe there's a number of different levels so this is level 2 out of 5 I believe.

    3. if you have HPV and abnormal cells that still doesn't mean you WILL get cancer. Again based on the severity it will be graded 3,4,5 still, this is not cancer. this is why they monitor you yearly to keep an eye on it and it's better to know than to never go for a smear test and not knowing at all 

    4. 4/5 people will get hpv in their lifetime & unfortunately the test only works on women. Because it's transmitted sexually it feels dirty but unless you become a nun from birth the chances are you still have a 4/5 chance of getting it even with 1 partner. 

    5. it can lay dormant for years just like the cold sore virus and flare up when your run down, which to me is kind of lucky as by getting a smear test at that exact time has allowed you to now be monitored yearly until it goes. 

    6.cervical cancer is not a quick developing cancer, so if you are having yearly smeers now, that will detect if you start developing any very abnormal cells. 

    7. By having HPV and no abnormal cells you will be monitored with a smeer every year which is actually a really good thing and should put your mind to rest. 

    I also had the vaccine at school but I think it only prevented the two most common strains, there are many more so it's not a guarantee that the vaccine stops it completely but at least it should stop the most common ones. 
    I do think more needs to be done to make this more known. Barely anyone has heard of it so when they get this ridiculous letter after their smeer it feels horrendous. GPs assume you know what it is and don't even call you to discuss it. I think given time and the more women who get this form of test done in their area, the more people will be aware. Since it's only been done from 2014 it's still a very new way of testing in the medical world. 

    hope you all can gain some assurance from this thread, with covid the last thing you need to do is worry about this as in all likelihood it will be gone by your next smeer. Just focus on improving your immune system and try not to stress as that will not help your body. 

    love to you all x 

  • [@laurenhayley96]‍ this has definitely reassured me, thank you x


    i had my letter through this afternoon also to say I was HPV positive and no abnormal cells. Just thought I'd jump on and add my post too so hopefully if anyone else is looking like I just was, they can see how normal it is. I mean, I feel far from normal right now but it's nice to know that there are other people going through it too

  • Thank you so much.  This has really given me comfort. 

  • Hi everyone. 

    I had my 3rd smear test in January. My first 2 came back with no issues/normal cells. This time, I have HPV but normal cells. I never had the vaccination in school as it came about when I had left school. I don't believe I had a low immune system at the time  I get a lot of colds but since working from home I've not had one!

    I have so many questions. How many years have I had HPV as this is the first time it's been tested for? 

    I also felt dirty, sick, like I'd been told I had cancer. Not that I wish this upon anyone but it brings great comfort to read all your comments and to know it seems very common. 

    One main question I have is that me and my partner are going to start trying for a baby. I read one comment about being pregnant could progress HPV into abnormal cells. I can't remember which website this was on, I know not to trust everything online! And I can't see this information on the NHS, Cancer Reaearch of Jo's Trust websites. Am I right to believe that's not true then, am I wise to try for a baby? 

    if anyone knows the answer, or has had a baby in between waiting for their next smear test one year later, it would put my mind at ease :)


    Thanks x

  • I had a  positive HPV result in March  2020 and just had my second positive HPV result. Letter arrived this monring. I am 59 and won't deny a bit concerned. I am waiting for a nurse to ring me back . Apparently if I  get a third HPV positive result then I will get treatment . What, I do not know. I am just sitting here in tears. 

  • I have just had a positive hpv result aswell. Its worrying me so much. Can anyone recommend anything to do to help as I'm going out of my mind with worry. Keep us updated with what happens charlotteholly 10. Hope u get the news u want. Its so scary. 

  • Hi,

    I know how you feel, i found out i got a hpv positive result last march, and just found out im still hpv positive. I have to have another one next year and if still positive need a colposcopy.

    Have you got any cell changes? I haven't at the moment but it's horrible knowing i could have next year.


    Happy to chat if you have any worries or need anyone to talk to


    Jenny x



  • Hi,


    I am in the same boat, this is my second positive hpv test though but luckily no abnormal cells. I want to try for my first baby too, its such a scary time but we can still have regular smears and they can even do colposcopies when pregnant i read. i've added you as a friend on here if you want to message me to talk. jenny x

  • Thank you for your message back.its such a scary thing to go through and its reassuring to know that other people go through it aswell. I've got a really bad pain in my back now so not sure if that's related or just a water infection as I keep going a wee alot. How have u been keeping healthy. Have u changed anything xxx