HPV positive but normal cell result

Hi all

I had my first smear in December 2018 since turning 25. Results came back as no abnormal cells but HPV positive. This was a shock as I didn’t even know what it was and the letter didn’t mention risk type or strain just said for me to go back for a smear in 12 months. 

I phoned my gp and she said they only test for high risk so it is a high risk strain but she didn’t have info on what one... she told me not to worry but I can’t help it  

I had the HPV jab in secondary school so I’m hoping that worked at preventing the 2 strains it is meant to! 

Im concerned at how long I may have had HPV considering it’s my first smear and I’ve been sexually active for some time. I don’t have the best immune system and was recently on antibiotics for 2 months for strep throat which I think made my immune system even weaker during the winter months. I have also had a partner of 4 years and was worried about infidelaity but have been assured HPV can lay dormant for years. 

My main worry is that a year is too long to wait but appreciate it takes the body a while to fight off. I suppose if it was serious I would have been called back for further tests but the internets information is extremely conflicting :( 

The fact it’s sexually transmitted makes me feel so dirty. I have always been extremely careful. 

  • see it as empowerment & an opportunity to look at what YOU want and need for a man .. you know what if any man is worth his salt he will stand with you .  

    Think abundance - not lack .. 


    this is not HIV - ok .. this is a very early slight sign that you may or may not develop cancer 80 /20 - the weight being in recovery section .. 


    so stop moping about - stop smoking - stop drinking - eat a tonne of veggies & get yourselves fighting fit ..

  • Hi Nina, 

    I saw you have a few questions about your screening results so just wanted to share some information we have about this as well as some common FAQs about HPV I've found on Jo's cervical cancer trust website. I hope this helps clear things up but do give our cancer nurses a call next week if you'd like to talk things through with them. They're available on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m.

    All the best,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi Steph,


    thanks so much for that I have taken a look and have actually spoken to a nurse I know who has reassured me to try not to worry too much as it is so common. 

    thanks again x

  • I have just had the same positive for hpv but no abnormal cells. I have had 2 sexual partners in my life one at 15 and one at 16 who is now my husband. I am 48 so I can't understand how I have caught it as I haven't had a sexual partner for 32 years. A very awkward conversation with my husband followed where he admitted he fooled around abit when he was 17-19. But promises me it wasn't intercourse but you can catch it from skin to skin contact.I am not happy about it but also not going to throw away a good marriage but I just don't understand what woukd flair it up some 30 years later !!!!

  • Hi ladies! I'm the latest person to join this messed up club. My first smear was clear but they hadn't implemented the primary HPV testing back then. I had my second smear about a month ago. The nurse told me to expect me my results in the post in two weeks. Two weeks came and went with no news so chalked it down to ”no news is good news” especially with them probably being so swamped with COVID. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case, and my doctor told me that I had tested positive for HPV but no abnormal cells a few days later. She was pretty unfeeling and said that I could google what I wanted to know.


    I have had absolutely no support with this even though I have a history of anxiety, and this has worsened it. Sometimes I feel okay, or I think I've accepted it, then I get a burst of fear and find myself trying to make sense of the most complex medical journals on the internet. Today I randomly burst into tears. My doctors weren't as reassuring as some of yours so it makes me worry the 90% stat isn't as clear cut as other health resources make out. I haven't had sex in about a year, and I'm always careful about using protection. I was sexually assaulted during sex over a year and a half ago when I was stealthed, so this is bringing up horrible memories and thinking it's probably from that, but that would mean the infection should be gone by now statistically speaking. They say it can stay dormant for years but I've read that this isn't common and your immune system usually clears it within two years of transmission 90% of the time. I'm driving myself mad over how I got it and when I got it, I know I shouldn't but I really can’t help it. I try to keep busy with work and keep working until I can barely keep my eyes open otherwise it's too much time to think.


    It's interesting many of you bring up immune problems because I have terrible dust allergies (which I didn’t take anything for until now and if unmedicated can impair your immune system) and was recently diagnosed a folate deficiency for which I am taking supplements. I believe I might be low in vitamin D, which is a reoccurring issue for me. Apparently all of these issues can have an impact on your immune system. I've scheduled a full blood count to make sure my immune system is the best it can be, and hopefully, my body will clear it. 

    I am feeling the same as you all the HPV diagnosis has made me feel disgusting and dirty even though it's so common. I've lost my sexuality entirely and at one point I even swore off of sex all together which of course isn't realistic. I am also worrying about being in the minority of women who do not clear it. The odds are in our favour but 10% of a million is a hundred thousand and that's a lot of people. I know HPV is not the worst outcome or thing that could happen, but it's just so much worry and uncertainty. I was even looking at clinical trials at one point but it looks like it is for people who are further along in their persistent HPV diagnosis and was probably cancelled due to COVID. I know my chances of developing cancer are small but I'm scared of being among the women where HPV persists.


    I currently don't have a partner, so that's one less thing I have to worry about I guess. I've decided I will not date until I can hopefully get the all-clear and absolutely no casual sex ever again. I know you can get it from one encounter etc or in a relationship but I want to lessen my chances of going through this again. I wish I were one of those girls who didn't panic, but I'm too much of a hypochondriac for this. I am embarrassed that I wasn't clued you about this at all. They tell you to use condoms or abstain and you'll be fine but it's not true at all. I'm also planning on getting vaccinated too. This has even made me realise how much I want kids because all of my catastrophising has been around HPV persistence and hysterectomies (for reoccurring abnormal cells). I know this is the most unlikely outcome but my anxiety doesn't listen to reason. 

    I really hope everyone gets the all clear soon, I'm glad I found this forum as I feel a bit embarrassed to talk to my friends about it even though chances are they've had it, will have it of even have it. I'm pretty sure the numbers of people who have it will skyrocket because now they're testing routinely. If all of us had our smears just a few years ago, we would be none the wiser and told to come back in three years! I think that's why some countries were a bit hesitant to switch because it can cause panic and lead to over screening and over treatment. 

    I am probably getting a bit too political here but I feel the onus of HPV is far too much on women. I also believe this is why there is practically nothing available until it gets bad and only then the treatments are really invasive. Yes there's a vaccine but it's not fool proof and doesn't protect against all strains. It also doesn't take people who missed the vaccination into account. They need to find ways of routinely screening men and look into better treatments (thankfully from what I've read they are). I mean look at how quick they can work through trials when it threatens everyone and the economy. 

    Hugs and kisses to you all, keeping my fingers crossed for myself and everyone in this thread! Xxx


  • Just FYI.. Even if you do use condoms you are still not 100% protected from contracting HPV as it is spread via genital skin to skin contact. No condom no sex has always been my rule too but here we are. I'm still in shock. 

  • Hi All, I'm also recently a member of the HPV club. I had my first smear a couple of weeks ago and received the results on Sunday evening which sent my anxiety levels through the roof! I didn't even know what HVP was, shame on me for being ignorant though. I haven't been with anyone for 14 months so my fear is that I've had it for a while and it's not shifting but I guess there's no actual way of telling Thankfully I have no abnormal cells so I'm taking that as a positive (desperately trying to find one). I'm fearing meeting anyone who I may want to be with because of this! I just don't know how on earth I could break that to someone. Thank god for this chat though, I found it on Sunday evening and have read everyone's comments which has massively helped as I don't feel so alone. Since I have bought some probiotics which I've been wanting to get for a while anyway and some multivitamins. I'm just going to focus on being as healthy as possible to build up my immune system and hopefully clear the virus. I was searching for support pages etc for ages and there's not much out there on this so rather than stress, get anxious and potentially weaken my immune system I've created an Instagram page to hopefully spread awareness. It's been keeping my mind busy these past two days! It's called @FemaleHealthUk I hope to almost build a little community and empower one another, if you can please give it a follow. I'm going to do as much research as possible and and share on the page Xx 

  • Check these out, apologies if you have already!



  • Just to clarify for people who don't know, hpv can be caught even if a condom is worn it is caught through skin to skin contact 

  • Same here...

    1 year or so ago, I did my smear test since I just turned 25. I never got a call or a letter, I called the GP and the receptionist said "no reply is usually a good thing" and then one year later I get a text message asking me to do another smear test, I've called them and the receptionist said "you came back positive for HPV no abnormal cells weren't you informed?" no I wasn't! So frustrating but kinda glad don't think I could manage the stress waiting a year for another smear test. 

    I've booked another smear test for next week I just hope all is fine. I also have been taking birth control since my 16 and I know this can increase the risks of cervical cancer. I am so worried!! I keep telling myself to not worry until the results appear and that this is very common. 

    And to all the ladies here concerned about having a partner or what their partner might say, HPV is super common it's unfortunately not talked enough and it could even be your partner carrying the virus without knowing so don't think you should be embarrassed! Hopefully we're all okay and nothing that a strong immune system cannot beat :)